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  1. Awkwardo

    Do any of you run any clubs in school ( or used to)?

    I used to be president of Gay-Straight Alliance at my school. Wasn't too great of a leader, to be honest. Although that was more because all the connections with the club had left the school and we didn't have a really consistent place to meet.
  2. Awkwardo

    Do the parents really affect what your tamagotchi becomes(v4.5)?

    Actually, I found that on the V4.5, the teens often annoyingly jump families. It happened several times, on both my V4.5s, and I've heard it has happened to other people as well, so it's apparently not a glitch. When I say they "jump families," I mean I've had a Crackertchi become a...
  3. Awkwardo

    If there was a third Tamagotchi movie...

    Were there another Tamagotchi movie, I'd want to see Tanpopo in it. She was my favorite.
  4. Awkwardo

    What program do you use to watch videos on your computer?

    I like using VLC on my computer. It's pretty smooth, possibly owing to the fact that my computer runs a Linux system.
  5. Awkwardo

    Favorite Dog breeds?

    I like the Newfoundland breed, mainly because it's larger than I am.
  6. Awkwardo


    Random: What are your biggest fears in life? Edit Mine would probably be losing my mind, failing high school, and watching people die.
  7. Awkwardo

    Self portrait photography Thread

    terrible photo and i need a haircut
  8. Awkwardo

    What is your sexuality?

    My own orientation is something I can't label, entirely. But even if I were to simplify the description and say I'm bisexual, I don't think I'd tell people that. When you say you're bisexual, a huge amount of people assume you're: "transitioning from straight to gay" actually straight, but...
  9. Awkwardo

    Compliment Chain

    You help me with a lot of stuff and you're pretty cool. cx
  10. Awkwardo

    Theoretical Situation #1: To Go or Not to Go

    Agree hesitantly, I think. Although I'd miss some people on Earth, I couldn't stand not knowing what happens in aliens' lives. :P
  11. Awkwardo

    Brand Game

    Pie Wrangler
  12. Awkwardo

    What are you reading now?

    The Road by Cormac McCarthy, for AP Lit.
  13. Awkwardo

    The 1 word story.

  14. Awkwardo

    Compliment Chain

    You're entertaining.
  15. Awkwardo

    Translate a song!

    I could probably translate a song from Latin. Not that that's particularly useful. After all, what's in Latin? A thirteenth-century funeral march, perhaps?
  16. Awkwardo

    Weird facts about you

    I hate being touched. I hate hating being touched.
  17. Awkwardo

    What is your perfect day like?

    I think right now my ideal day would be spent outside in the snow, skiing with no concerns for the future (essays, studying, college applications, etc.), possibly by myself or with others. Rather than drive home afterward, I'd stay at the lodge, curled up with a book and a cup of tea, maybe...
  18. Awkwardo

    What Is Your Religion?

    I'd agree on the New Testament for the most part, but I wouldn't say that worldwide adherence to the Old Testament could make the world better. Before you object, consider, for instance, what actions the Old Testament says are worthy of death...
  19. Awkwardo

    The country game

    that song Vatican City.
  20. Awkwardo


    y u even ask; sweg is my middle name do you like cheese