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  1. S

    Pixel Chix NEWS!

    yeah, i loveeeee the hamster!! but they are not yet here in the shops..( in the netherlands..) its not fair.. ;) btw, i will get with a few weeks love 2 shop mall! yeah
  2. S

    Can your pixelchix going die?

    i want to buy a pixelchix, but can they going die?? or can they going leave???
  3. S

    Tamagotchi electronic grow your pet game

    omg, thats sooo cute! <3
  4. S

    Post photos of your Aquapets :D

    i LOVE Puku and Tu, i got Puku, and a friend of my got Tu... They are soo cute XD
  5. S

    Can the v5 going die?

    aww okay thx for reply :gozarutchi:
  6. S

    Can the v5 going die?

    hello! help me please! i want to buy a v5, but my tamas are going so fast die.. ;) So, can the v5 going die too? because they have a familie or something.. then hav they to all going die or something?? bye (Sorry for my bad english.. :D )
  7. S

    Jammin Hamster Pixel Chix

    what is a birth or so?
  8. S

    Which should i get?

    You have to buy the Pixel Chix roomies!! Thats the best one i think ;)
  9. S

    Anybody seen/have the Pixel Chix tv?

    Look here !! Click on Pixel Chix TV!! You also have to click on the bottom on the page on that TV Spots thingy, to see the TV spot of that pixelchix !!
  10. S

    Jammin Hamster Pixel Chix

    I really love the hamster pixelchix !! but they are not here in The Netherlands.. ;) ;) We only have here one story houses, two story houses, cars and love 2 shop malls..
  11. S

    Pixel Chix Fan Board

    EVERYTHING! haha, do you have the roomies yet? so yes, can you write a review or something of it? xx
  12. S

    Pixel Chix Fan Board

    Roomies is the best Pixel Chix! Can you post info about it?
  13. S

    Pixel Toons

    Do someone knows more Pixel Chix websites?? Please in English!!
  14. S

    Pixel chix roomies?

    I LOVE the Pixel Chix roomies! If they are here in the shops in The Netherlands, then i gonne buy it and buy Diva Queen. Shes soo cool!! :) Haha. And maybe im gonne buy Super Smarty.. But im not sure about that.. Someone who haves the Pixel Chix roomies, can you PLEASE add a video on...
  15. S

    The new tamagotchi...

    Heey! i have that thing! but i dont really like them..
  16. S

    How do i get a call phone? (V4)

    Heey how do i get a call phone?? tell me please!! I want it so much.
  17. S

    can i with my v4 playing games with the v4?

    Sorry, i mean: When my tamagotchi V3 connect with the V4, can it play games??
  18. S


    You mean a leaftchi?? O, and on the V3 you can not go to a school!
  19. S

    how do i get a ink pen (v3)

    i cant find..
  20. S

    can i with my v4 playing games with the v4?

    can i with my v3 playing games with the v4?