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  1. M


    Whatever you say.
  2. M

    The New Artpad Gallery!

    I'm not sure. It hasn't been working lately.
  3. M

    drop something on the person below you

    You skipped me.
  4. M


  5. M

    drop something on the person below you

    Hooray! 9 tamas! Ow! *drops a bowhead whale*
  6. M


    Drag the :) to the :wacko: :D I'm back! :wacko:
  7. M

    The New Artpad Gallery!

    I made this a LONG time ago. I decided to revive it. Here is the old topic. :o
  8. M

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    It's the end of the world! Why does :o ?
  9. M

    Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Offical Thread

    I have a lv. 66 Luxray named shoop. :huh: I am at victory road. :nazotchi:
  10. M

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  11. M

    Blogitchi is back!

    My website blogitchi is up and running again! YAY!!!
  12. M

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game

    ??? why was 6 afraid of 7?
  13. M

    This offend's me!

  14. M

    do tamas really exist?

    There is.You must debug to get it.
  15. M

    The Banning Game!

    I ban you for not banning tama_tama_tama_tchi for being spam girl 1997
  16. M


    V3 is the newest one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. M

    What's Androtchi?

    Don't spam
  18. M


    if you want to choose your character,why not debug it??
  19. M

    what pattern is your tama v3?

    Mine is zebra,and there is no cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!