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  1. rainbows.


    dear santa: well cuz you apologized nicely i guess its okay f*ckyoualittlebitstill -lexo
  2. rainbows.

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    EMF ME TOO CATS. <3 and oh also Christofer Drew.
  3. rainbows.

    Celebrity Crushes

    mhmmmm oh baby. edit, but really: yummy.
  4. rainbows.


  5. rainbows.

    Give the person above you a new username

    C_A_T_S because why not.
  6. rainbows.

    Guess the Object

  7. rainbows.

    Change what the previous person said

    a cat cooking a puppy. yep.
  8. rainbows.


    Dear Santa; *removed - site rules - no swearing - even with an asterisk we know what word you were using* you. -Lexie
  9. rainbows.

    last person to post wins :]

    Definition of NIGGARDLY 1 : grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging 2 : provided in meanly limited supply — nig·gard·li·ness noun — niggardly adverb Ex; <she's a niggardly woman, so don't expect a handout from her> <niggardly portions of meat for dinner&gt...
  10. rainbows.

    Self portrait photography Thread

    MERRY CHRISTMAS TAMATALKERS i had to draw on the shirt because iwasnaked I DIDNT HAVE ANY CHRISTMAS OUTFITS. also if your not celebrating christmas here is a less attractive picture of me for ya ;)
  11. rainbows.

    Celebrity Crushes

    i love how this thread just started off with naming people but now its all pictures aha. c: anyway, yes, yes, yesss.
  12. rainbows.

    You're banned!

    you're banned because ***EDIT - removed*** (that wasn't actually an insult okay im secretly nice shhh) ***OST EDIT: Please, no swear words, even abbreviated or "disguised" with asterisks as per site guidelines. Thank you!***
  13. rainbows.

    Give the person above you a new username

    !purplepyonkotchi! /i suck at this so bad
  14. rainbows.


    Dear ejablahblah: You have no right to be mad, you were talking about doing it, so I did instead. AND WTF WHY IS YOUR SONG ON RIGHT NOW OH GOSH NO STOP TO MANY BAD MEMORIES ITS ONLY BEEN LIKE ONE DAY PLZ STOP NO STOPIT STOP STOPPPPP. Dear me: You screwed up yesterday i think. Dear cats: So...
  15. rainbows.

    Who do you confide in?

    I confide in music.
  16. rainbows.

    What song is stuck in your head?

    So I listened to this song like 30 minutes ago kind of as a joke because I used to be horrified of it back when i was ten and yeah so I looked up the band again and now its stuck in my head and kILL IT WITH ACID Sexting- BOTDF
  17. rainbows.

    What are you listening to now?

    Did It Hurt - NeverShoutNever! ♥
  18. rainbows.

    What's your favorite movie?

    Anything of the Chronicles of Narnia series. :) <3 White Chicks, andd Coraline. I also adore Lady and the Tramp.
  19. rainbows.

    grav3yardgirl on youtube!

    bunny oh my god. <3 she's so unique and just her own person, i love it. :)
  20. rainbows.


    if were aloud to want people then this is all.