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  1. F


    I am simply impressed; the repetition of these kind of topics is so upsetting! Those entitled opinions should be shunned aside by a Tama-er! We are asked repeatedly, "Have you no shame?" No shame is awesome, person. 8D @Aviloria// those labelers haven't learned their math quite yet.
  2. F

    What version do you reccomend?

    V4. Let the Tamagotchi tell you now. :3
  3. F

    Putting them away

    I only stop when batteries die. That, seeing them as battery-operated, is periodical. But I do mourn for the loss; and I wait until the opportunity to replenish their system.
  4. F

    Do You Actually Like V5?

    The v5 could have gotten better games. I don't think they're immature or anything associated with that thought; the development is highly poor and their quantity of games is such a loss. And dealing with quality, the screen contrast could've been improved; unless if it were already "improved"...
  5. F

    tama dreams

    I rarely get anymore dreams, but I'm sure nothing is messing with systems [lack of symptoms from me for a periodical amount of time]. However dreaming about your Tamagotchi may not be normal, I assume, because it may indicate you are way too obsessed. @Kachipatchi_Lvr3000// If I were you I'd...
  6. F


    I am very independent and I no longer depend on my parents to decide for me. My parents confide in me so it is not that I am isolated from socializing with them.
  7. F

    Shimashimatchi's Tamagotchi plus color review.

    It has the greatest quality but its loss of great character upsets me.
  8. F

    Do you remember your first tama?

    The V1. I remeber its shiny membrane. Now it's battered and scarred but still can function, if it had a battery.
  9. F

    Need some advice

    I recommend v5, even though its screen contrast is terrible.
  10. F

    Do Tamas die?

    I only have v1-v5 so I am not quite sure about other versions. But if I rack my prior knowledge- v1-v3's die and turn into something my friends and I distinguish as a fried-chicken looking figure. [i Lol'd at my comment.] V5's go to the Tama Planet. [so much thanks and luffs for that 8D] <33
  11. F

    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    No, you are not. Someone with common sense would have the prior knowledge not to prod around people telling them they are too immature to embrace childish fun. When I use childish, I use it as if it were a term to compliment.
  12. F

    My Music Star is 2YRs Old?

    The time is not always accurate. You have to wait a while.
  13. F

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    I just decided to make one; so many people talked about it, I just itched when I told myself to wait until I got the Music Star Toy. I'll just register now and then add in my toy's code later. 8D ID#MI0100
  14. F


    I am in the process of getting my 'monthly collectible.' It is a very painful gift, my friends.
  15. F

    People snickering

    Many people suffer down syndrome. It's not particularly their fault. Anyway, under any circumstance, laughing completely immature. -whoops; typo-
  16. F


    Oh :: waaa :: I don't anyone. -outlaw- <33 Luffs to everyone :'D
  17. F

    Are tamagotchis...

    'Geeky' is a stereotypical and a very rude way to categorize things. Tamagotchis were made to entertain, not to label.
  18. F

    A Poem

    It's pretty good, however, this is so roughly typical; everyone writes about this kind of situation. But it's descriptive enough.
  19. F

    What are your parents doing right now?

    My mother is currently working at her office and will not be back until 7 PM My father is currently on his way home from his office.
  20. F

    Buying a tamagotchi makes you Happier?

    I do not purchase things I enjoy/want to recover for my happiness when I'm feeling uncomfortable. I spend it when it is sensible. But they do make me happier. They're a bit like a mini computer; just more limited games, But these games happen to be fun :'D