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  1. *Hayden*

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  2. *Hayden*

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  3. *Hayden*


    24 hours, actually
  4. *Hayden*

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  5. *Hayden*

    What's The Best Tamagotchi Deal You've Found?

    I bought my green P's for $20 only a few months after it was released :D
  6. *Hayden*

    Mod Break

  7. *Hayden*

    Any Tamas you waiting for?

    Waiting for a yellow and green P's that my friend english patched and put downloads onto for me :)
  8. *Hayden*

    Where can I get a cheap English iD L?

    You don't, they're expensive because they're rare so just get a Japanese version.
  9. *Hayden*

    Backwards compatibility, English Patches, Pierces & Cases

    CIAO is nowhere near rare, maybe uncommon. It's still readily available on Amazon JP for $13 USD-ish. Rarest ones I'd say are the Disney ($100-200), Sanrio ($50-100), Miracrise ($50-100), Fairy ($30-$80) and possibly the Nameko but there isn't much demand for that. The Royal pierce is...
  10. *Hayden*

    Post your m!x family trees!
  11. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Orders for the m!x are up on CD Japan! Get them while they're available!
  12. *Hayden*

    4U+ NFC Slots

    Don't take my word on it, but I think it only happens on the 10/20/30 of each month or the 1st of each month, try changing the dates a bit maybe?
  13. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

    rip tamatalk
  14. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    IF he does, downloads are currently Japan exclusive via m!x stations
  15. *Hayden*

    My tamagotchi character is too dark?

    Hmmm... me too... you must also give ME a picture...
  16. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

  17. *Hayden*


    add me via twitter ppl @tmgc4u
  18. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

  19. *Hayden*

    Would You Rather!~

    Wisdom WYR Unlimited Tamas or All the Tama characters on 1 version
  20. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

    oh oh oh