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  1. *Hayden*

    Question about Tamagotchi 4U+ Puzzle Pieces

    The Happy Burger/Mame Flan and Kuchi Crepe should work on all characters for puzzle pieces, I think they're in the custom food and snacks section
  2. *Hayden*

    Hayden's Tamagotchi Log

    Quick update since I've been pretty occupied all of today and most of them were already asleep when I was available to log them haha. Angel Evolved into Takoten, not sure who I want yet, will probably just let him grow into whoever. P's Evolved into Neotchi! Just need to maintain perfect...
  3. *Hayden*

    Hayden's Tamagotchi Log

    Uhh hi, yes, I've decided to start up a log for the first time in a few years, don't know why but I just had a sudden urge to make one again. It's probably more convenient to do so on social media such as facebook, tumblr or instagram these days, but it doesn't really feel the same. Hopefully I...
  4. *Hayden*

    Screen went black on V2?

    Hmmm, must be something blocking the contacts. I'm not really sure what the exact problem is, but maybe try opening it up and using a damp q-tip with alcohol, swab it all over in case any dust or gunk is blocking something?
  5. *Hayden*

    Mod Break

  6. *Hayden*

    How to unlock Berry Town on M!x Anniversary?

    Patchi Forest, Mermaid Palace, Berry Town and Spacy/Melody Land were replaced with Laboratory, Makkakka Town, UraTamaTown and Gotchi Castle.
  7. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi Friends, No matchmaker?

    Hmmm, the dating place should be unlocked in your Door Icon I'm pretty sure.
  8. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi Characters Fan Art - Yumemitchi

    Reminds me of Lillie from Pokemon SM, I love your style :ichigotchi:
  9. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi 4U

    - How do you even decrease the happiness in a short amount of time? Quickest way to do so is set the time to 6:59am, wait a minute until they wake up, and repeat. Don't know why, but waking up lowers their happiness every time - Are there any 'Easter Eggs' in the Tamagotchi 4U? Come in...
  10. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi m!x: Room color changed?!

    Chest>Third Option
  11. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

    12 pages how sad
  12. *Hayden*

    Help with mr blinky Ps downloadables

    You'll need to buy an IR phone if you want to transfer the files sadly, old Nokia phones, Palm Treos and etc
  13. *Hayden*

    Help with mr blinky Ps downloadables

    Uh, do you have an IR phone to the actual transfers, or only a PC/Mac?
  14. *Hayden*

    [M!X] Go to Gozaru village without mermaid palace ?

    Sadly not, it's only available as a gift via the Banquet in Mermaid Palace.
  15. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi iD L Clock Not Working?!

    I had the same problem with my P's. Do you know anyone who has experience with soldering? Seems like thats the only way to fix it
  16. *Hayden*

    Hands down, your favorite game?

    Not too set on a particular game but definitely the Animal Crossing and Pokemon series
  17. *Hayden*

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Got my yellow and green P's, Circus pierce, a Kuchipatchi charm and a few other things from a friend a week ago :]
  18. *Hayden*

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    Just wait until it releases tbh. It's not worth paying the $70~ they're going for on eBay at the moment. HLJ and Amiami always has plentiful stock a few days after release and sell for $40-$45, which is a big saving if you're patient enough
  19. *Hayden*

    What Tamagotchi Version has the most minigames?

    P's and 4U actually have 3 :&gt; The 4U has the Dance game at the park, and the P's has the Flags game at the beach
  20. *Hayden*

    Last Post Wins

    can it be 2013 again pls