It's pajama time.
Black track pants with a green lace tank top from garage along with a black and silver sweater.
Meh. I don't really care what I wear to bed....
But there was something seriously gross all over the boys bathroom mirrors (so I've been told).
I'm sure if you take a long, hard think you could guess.
A black medium sleeved top, with a pair of cuffed jeans.
Nothing too special. Very casual. Went out to the movies today, so I didn't need to get all prettied up and fancy.
I don't get it. It says something about pirates and then it says "Lol, Limewire" with pirates dancing.
Seriously. Am I missing something?
Well, sign your name and say, "Thanks for being such a good teacher."
And just buy a card from the dollar store. I'm sure she wont care too much.
;D Hope that helped 'ya.
I had a real problem understanding what you were saying. :|
But, uhm, okay then.
Please try and work on your spelling and grammar.
From your post, all I know is your making a card.