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  1. P

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    Update: My tama just reached adult for a second time, so here's the progression. Both have been female, which isn't reflected in this chart. EDIT: There really should be a note that BBCode doesn't work, expecially since there is a BBCode Help button and an IMG button. :)
  2. P

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    My V3 Gender: Girl Generation 1 Toddler: Tamatchi Teenager: Young Mametchi Adult: Memetchi :huh:
  3. P

    Taking the costume off

    When it goes to sleep it goes back? Thanks. :angry:
  4. P

    Taking the costume off

    I used the costume item and my cute Memetchi became a Hohotchi. Is it stuck as a Hohotchi now or is there some way to remove the costume? :angry:
  5. P


    What about Karrl? :D
  6. P

    How long does it take to change?

    I believe it's a day from toddler to teen, and then ~3 days from teen to adult.
  7. P

    my friend needs help

    Hrm, I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas then. :D
  8. P

    my friend needs help

    Have you... your friend gotten the passport code from tamatown and entered it? That seems to be another requirement.
  9. P

    V3 codes?

    Here's a link to all 7 v3 codes:
  10. P

    my friend needs help

    Tell your friend to donate 1 more point. You need to donate _over_ 5000 points to get the password.
  11. P

    Quick Question!

    Look under souveniers for some tamatown items instead of under items. They don't do anything, you just collect them. Some items from Tamatown actually go into the items menu. You have a 1st generation tama, so you don't have parents or grandparents, once your tama lays an egg and you start on...
  12. P

    I need help

    Some items, like the ball, can be played with by a toddler or teen tama. Souveniers, however, can not be played with at all.
  13. P

    Items problem

    They did it that way because souveniers are just to be collected, while items are things that can actually be used by your tama.
  14. P

    Items problem

    Some of the items that you get go into the items section instead of souveniers. :mametchi: Also, some of the really easy souveniers you get from tamatown (balloon, teddy bear, et cetera) are at the end of the souveniers list.
  15. P

    What name is best

    Out of the names you posted, I think Kazzi is the best. I actually think it's even better than what I named my own tama. :wacko:
  16. P

    V3 owners

    I think the Wallgreens near my work misread the MSRP on the V3 tamagotchi because it's only ~$5.00 US there. :wacko: I guess not so Ninja Edit: Oh, and it's the Green with Flowers one.
  17. P


    As in change it? No, there is no way to change your username short of resetting the game.
  18. P

    Version 3

    From what I can tell, you don't use souvenirs at all and just collect them. Since special items to use go into the items section. I do have a v3, but my tama is not an adult yet.
  19. P

    V3 tamagotchis

    I must be really lucky since the wallgreens down the street from my work is selling them for ~$5.00 US. :(