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  1. T

    drop something on the person below you

    Computer... sweet. *drops a feather*
  2. T

    10000000000 Ways to get Kicked out of....

    Cover yourself with everything that you can possibly find that's blue and start singing the verses from Blue by eiffel 65 at people who walk past. :D
  3. T

    Word Chain!

  4. T

    gomametchi's Discovery

    I am very amazed that you got all of that info, but there is another way to figure out which box the pencil (or art thing or flower) is in. The item starts out in the right one, and if the right and center flash, the item is now in the center. If then the right and left flash, the item is still...
  5. T


    Ive seen growth charts too. I understand your answer, but on the charts that I saw, the mathmaker is only a girl character. mine is a boy. quite strange really
  6. T


    ok. my tamagotchi is 4 and was supposed to turn into an adult. HE made the growth noise and so I got excited. :o The only problem is he turned into the matchmaker! How did that happen????? B)
  7. T

    Hi I just joined

    Hi Caitlynn! Im Christina. Welcome to tamatalk! I just joined too