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  1. Rorys_Tamas

    Mothra Group Hatch (Starts on Oct 31 2017)

    Autumn had to be paused for a portion of the day normally I would have just adjusted her clock before she woke up but she was already awake so there's that. It was at most 5 hours and all i did was puase her at the time setting screen and continued on with the time it was set at when i got...
  2. Rorys_Tamas

    Mothra Group Hatch (Starts on Oct 31 2017) Well knighttchi's ballad we do indeed have the same mothra shell and coincidentally this is my favourite of the mothra shells because this one features mothra (and I am running all light blue tamas)
  3. Rorys_Tamas

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!

    It's been a long while since i updated on Raiden the Second So here it is! October 25th Raiden the great and glorious (the second) turned 12 today now I had hopes that he and Hiro would be Mametchi’s together but Raiden seemed to have other plans he decided it was high time that he evolved...
  4. Rorys_Tamas

    Mothra Group Hatch (Starts on Oct 31 2017)

    Yesterday I pulled out my mothra and pressed A and C to be gifted a new mothra egg since you are naming yours summer I am going to be naming mine Autumn I have no real plans I just hope I don't get fairy mothra again. After 5 minutes a song started to sing and like the dramatic queen Autumn is...
  5. Rorys_Tamas

    Tamas are really bad parents.

    I have never thought Tamas as remotely close to human despite the more modern designs anthropomorphizing these weird alien animals. And when I run my connections I always say it as I spent X days helping this alien creature grow up and it's time for them to find a mate and (by the magic of...
  6. Rorys_Tamas

    Entama full on reset itself

    Well that is good to hear I was a little scared since it went straight to the clock setting screen. Well I am still annoyed i had 999 points and we were just waiting to evolve into tensaitchi.... Oh well
  7. Rorys_Tamas

    Entama full on reset itself

    So I thought I could move on but now I need to know what happened, so I don't do it again. Also so I don't go nuts trying to figure it out I had a 9 year old mametchi with his pencil points up to 999 and we were waiting for him to evolve into tensaitchi and I poking around with a travel ticket...
  8. Rorys_Tamas

    What will happen if tamagotchi mix die?

    As long as you do not reset your tama and you press A+C to hatch a new egg (Or A and B I just can't remember which I am sure it is A and C) then you won't lose items cash unlocked locations or anything. you will go back to gen 1 and in your family tree you will see your previous generations...
  9. Rorys_Tamas

    Oldie-Adult Mating

    your welcome!
  10. Rorys_Tamas

    Oldie-Adult Mating

    It has to be oldie- oldie mating you cannot mate an oldie with a mametchi
  11. Rorys_Tamas

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!

    Update as it has been a long while... Raiden the second where we left off was an ichigotchi October 18th Today Raiden turned 5 and he evolved into Mametchi and so far no real care misses he has had some empty meters on the rare occasion but he still evolved into mametchi which made me ectatic I...
  12. Rorys_Tamas

    Troubles with Mimitchi - Tama Connection V1

    The V1 is less nit picky on the pathways to get an adult but I do have a trick if you over feed your tama (2 meals and 2 snacks past the meter) and slim them down with games it takes longer for your meters to drop a heart and gives you buffer to fill them before they drop it helped me get my...
  13. Rorys_Tamas

    A little too old for this?

    I'm 24 and just started a PhD program and I'm currently running 4 Tamas all of them are Japanese releases funny enough. So you are not alone. And yes I pause or change the time so my Tamas don't get crazy neglected (this doesn't always work but hey). Since we are all about where we are I'm in...
  14. Rorys_Tamas

    Not beeping when pooping?

    From what I recall it doesn't beep when it to poops
  15. Rorys_Tamas

    Tamagotchi 4u vs 4u+, which do you prefer?

    I would recommend the 4U+ I don't have the vanilla 4U... but the 4U+ has different games and different babies and walllpapers and such.. and there are two more built in characters and there are more post adult transformations (which gives more character options) and there are two locations that...
  16. Rorys_Tamas

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!

    Today was a low key day with Raiden (the second) I made a big mistake with my oatmeal (never cook the peanut butter i learned the hard way just trust me) then I made a white sauce based mac and cheese and I really don't like white sauce as it turns out. But it tasted decent so I guess that's...
  17. Rorys_Tamas

    My Tamagotchi isn't playing? Help!

    feeding them snacks to fill the meter then playing games isn't the bad way to go (in fact at times its the only way) so feed then play your game and they will be just fine :)
  18. Rorys_Tamas

    Long-Lived Oldies Hatch IV Log here!

    Also I have decided to start up my Tamagotchi plus and now lives Raiden the second! I hatched him on October 14th in a chilly windy fall day (I was hoping for snow but what can you do?) I was struck my nostalgia so I decided to name him Raiden and then I was inspired to make him Raiden the...
  19. Rorys_Tamas

    Mothra Group Hatch (Oct 31 2017) - Sign Up

    awesome! I can't wait!