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  1. -NINJA-

    Hello, hello!

    cool!!! i love that one!!!
  2. -NINJA-

    My Tamas!

    ok i have no clue what you are talking about?!?!?!
  3. -NINJA-

    R.I.P... Booty Butt Butt?

    that is so funny, that sounds like osmething my brother would name his tama!!! goodbye Booty Butt Butt! :cry: :ROFLMAO:
  4. -NINJA-

    does taking my tamago to the park actually do anything ?

    if its a pix, then yeah, it just raises the happy metre, and if you go there and you meet someone new it will add them to your list. its also just for fun
  5. -NINJA-

    does feeding favourite foods impact anything besides happiness ?

    idk, i dont have a conectoin, i do have a pix tho, and feeding it its favourit foods does make it happier, i also think that mabe it does ina way, because if doing diforent atoins more than anything els that day chancees th charcter room, which efects what it grow up to be!!!
  6. -NINJA-

    Tamagotchi Connection Re-Release!

    how do you pre order???
  7. -NINJA-

    tamagotchi connection rerelease thoughts????

    there are multiple newest tamas?!?!?
  8. -NINJA-

    My Tamas!

    your tama ''changed to be a male only character!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!''
  9. -NINJA-

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    ok, thanks!!!
  10. -NINJA-

    My Tamas!

    i would totes order the green one, its such a nice color. (green is onather one of my fav colors btw.) but the purple does match you colection, the green is also more expensive
  11. -NINJA-

    Hello, hello!

    and yes bball = basketball!!!!!
  12. -NINJA-

    Hello, hello!

    i have the kuchipatchi comix print!!!
  13. -NINJA-

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    whats a storie mode???
  14. -NINJA-

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    which one is better???
  15. -NINJA-

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    my little bro is going to LOVE it!!!
  16. -NINJA-

    Obtaining all 127 Digimon -- Comments OK

    cool!!! good to know, thanks!!!