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  1. detachment-kit

    kits tama log!

    im crying i just got up to 27 in jump rope with sam i didnt sleep last night im so spacey omg oh whoa ok i guess sam got mail sometime between me trying and doing the opposite of succeeding lets see what we got omg its the king hay girl u lookin good today (; HOT DANG 1100 points thanks...
  2. detachment-kit

    kits tama log!

    oh just bee tee dubs im planinng on having these two grow up and become OLDIES............ then have a baby to get that special character just thought i would let yall know hehe (i need to play some games w these rascals ill be back later)
  3. detachment-kit

    kits tama log!

    ok so i guess i should post stats?????? i think that would make sense also assigning colors ok this lime color will be for adee (she glows in the dark it makes sense) this actually might be too bright lets see how about grey instead that works ok lets see adees stats hmm all hearts full...
  4. detachment-kit

    kits tama log!

    man it feels good to be back the layout is way different omg wow okay anyways this is a log about my TAMAS not my personal feelings about a website. some warnings: i dont use punctuation too often, and i almost never capitalize correctly. i tend to hIT SHIfT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SENTENCE and...