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  1. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Paused V5 Dead V5.5 Alison- Chantotchi Gender: F Hunter- Mametchi Gender: M Michelle- Hotteatchi Gender: F Generation: 4 Tama-Go Felix- Kikitchi Gender: M Generation: 3 TMGC+C Hexagon Claire- Makiko Gender: F Generation: 3 Felix married a Otokitchi. Post later.
  2. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Paused V5 Dead V5.5 Alison- Chamametchi Gender: F Hunter- Mamekatchi Gender: M Michelle- Shelltchi Gender: F Generation: 4 Tama-Go Felix- Kikitchi Gender: M Generation: 3 TMGC+C Hexagon Claire- Ichigotchi Gender: F Generation: 3 Ok. My tamagotchis are asleep, so I'll...
  3. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Anna is paused, so she is the same. V5 Dead V5.5 Alison- Sakuramotchi Gender: F Hunter: Mousetchi Gender: M Michelle: Belltchi Gender: F Generation: 4 Tama-Go Felix- Kikitchi Gender: M Generation: 3 TMGC+C Karen- Furawatchi Gender: F Generation: 2 Nothing has changed...
  4. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Anna- Kuribotchi Gender: F Generation: 3 V5 Dead V5.5 Alison- Sakuramotchi Gender: F Hunter- Mousetchi Gender: M Michelle- Belltchi Gender: F Generation: 4 Tama-Go Felix- Kikitchi Gender: M Generation: 3 TMGC+ C Hexagon Karen- Furawatchi Gender: F Generation: 2 Ok...
  5. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Anna- Kuribotchi Gender: F Generation: 3 V5 Battery still dead V5.5 Ron- Mametchi Gender: M Generation: 3 Tama-Go Felix- Kilalatchi Gender: M Generation: 3 TMGC+ C Hexagon Karen- Chamametchi Gender: F Generation: 2 Ok, sorry about the not posting lately. Kain got married...
  6. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 Kain- Matsuritchi Gender: M Generation: 2 Job: Baker V5 Battery still dead V5.5 Ron- Mametchi Gender: M Generation: 3 Tama-Go Misty- Memetchi Gender: F Generation: 2 Hexagon Adam- Young Mametchi Gender: M Generation: 1 Ok, sorry i forgot to post what they wanted to say...
  7. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Hey guys I got my tamagotchis with the help from musicstar99. V4.5 Kain- Matsuritchi Gender- M Generation- 2 V5 Battery is dead. V5.5 Ron- Mousetchi Gender- M Generation- 3 Tama-Go Misty- Memetchi Gender- F Generation- 2 Hexagon Adam- Kuribotchi Gender- M Generation- 1 I'll...
  8. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Sorry I havn't been posting anything in a long time. I have to search for my tamas, so either tomorrow or the next I'll search for them and post on how they are doing.
  9. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 May- Tsukkomitchi Gender: F Age: 7 Married Generation: 1 V5 Mimi- Watatchi Gender: F Zeus- Uhyotchi Gender: M Alice- Lovezukintchi Gender: F Generation: 1 V5.5 Goku- Mamekatchi Gender: M Generation: 2 Tama-Go Chris- Kikitchi Gender: M Age: 3 Generation: 1 Goku: I'm so...
  10. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 May- Tsukkomitchi Gender: F Age: 6 Married Generation: 1 V5 Mimi- Watatchi Gender: F Zeus- Uhyotchi Gender: M Alice- Lovezukintchi Gender: F Generation: 1 V5.5 Goku- Mamekatchi Gender: M Generation: 2 Tama-Go Chris- Kikitchi Gender: M Age: 2 May: You guys guess what...
  11. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    V4.5 May- Tsukkomitchi Age: 6 Gender: F Generation: 1 V5 Mimi- Chamametchi Gender: F Zeus- Mamekatchi Gender: M Alice- Shelltchi Gender: F Generation: 1 V5.5 Goku- Mattaritchi Gender: M Generation: 2 Tama-Go Chris- Ahirukutchi Gender: M Generation: 1 May: Sorry we didn't log...
  12. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Today my Kuromametchi got married to a Hotteatchi and a baby boy. The dad and mom changed into a Papakurotchi and a Cyrstaltchi. Their son turned into a Mattaritchi. My V5 and V4.5 are still the same. V5 Mimi- Chamametchi Gender: F Zeus- Mamekatchi Gender: M Alice- Shelltchi Gender: F...
  13. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    My V5.5 haven't changed at all today they are still a Kuchipatchi, Hotteatchi, and Kuromametchi My V5 have changed a little while ago into a Chamametchi, a Mamekatchi, and a Shelltchi. I figured out what my V4.5 is and she is a Tsukkomitchi. Sorry, I will do a better post tomorrow.
  14. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Sorry I have not been posting since June. Max's baby was a boy named Ash and he died at the age of 2. I restarted my Famalitchi. I have a daughter named Mia and she is a Belltchi, a son named Hunter and he is a Mattaritchi, and a daughter named Michelle and she is a Sakuramotchi. I also got a...
  15. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Sorry, I haven't been posting in a while. Luna got married to a guy named Seamus. Luna is the same as her mom, Hera, and Seamus is a Papapatchi. They have three kids, but I don't have names for them. I have a son, a daughter, and another son. PM me you have any names i could give them. Max is a...
  16. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Sorry I haven't been posting in the last two days. Three days ago, Zeus got married to a Watatchi named Hera. Zeus changed into a Kasiratchi and Hera changed into a Mememamatchi. they have a daughter, a son, and another daughter. Their names are Luna, Chris, and Sakura. Luna is a Ichigotchi...
  17. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Before I begin, I have very sad news. Alex died and he never got married so now I have another boy named Max. In Max's room... Amy: Is that you Mark? Mark: Yeah. Why? Max: Your a Gozarutchi. Mark: Drat! Max: Amy is a Kunoitchi. Amy: Dang it! That means Zeus is a Gozarutchi. Now where did...
  18. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    In the house... Amy: Wait! Mark: What!? We need to go find Zeus now! Amy: I found a note. Alex: What does it say? Amy: Going to the park. Don't come looking for me. I'll be fine. - Zeus Mark: We still need to find him just in case. Amy: (sighs). Your right. Alex: Lets go. Amy: Mark, you...
  19. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    Inside the house... Alex: (screams). Mark: (runs into the living room). Whats wrong Alex? Alex: I'm a Tenpatchi! Amy: What is going on in there? Mark: Alex changed into a Tenpatchi. Zeus: Thats terrible! Mark: Tell me about it! Zeus: Sorry your a Tenpatchi. Amy: Well just hold on until...
  20. angelmeg96

    My Tamagotchis

    In the front yard... Mark: I'm a Korokotchi! Alex: I'm a Kometchi! Amy: I'm a Shelltchi! Zeus: I'm a Mamekatchi! Mark: Awesome Zeus! Amy: We told you so. Zeus: (mumbles). Alex: What was that? Zeus: Thank you Mark & Amy. Mark & Amy: Your welcome Zeus. Alex: (goes out on the...