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  1. S

    Sweet's TamaLog!

    [/color Hi everyone! Sweet isn't here right now, she's in the kitchen. I evolved today!] BONNI WERE YOU TALKING IN THE LOG?!?! [/color Yes...] Okay. Well, she said everything. Now I will post her stats and weight.       Hunger:♥♥♥♥ Happy:♥♥♥♥ Weight:40 Ibs.   Bonni's diary entry (hehe)...
  2. S

    Sweet's TamaLog!

    Hi guys Call me Sweet!! I have a tama (V.4.5) Toddler, Named Bonni. She will talk in blue. (By the way this is my first log, I may not be good!!) Hi Everyone! Iwt's me, Bonni! Well, Sweet and I need To Go on tamatown! Bye-bye! ( Bonni, No we don't. Keep talking!!) Aww... ok.... I like sushi...