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  1. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    Okay;well, they're all still sleeping, because I set the clock 5 hours early. They wake up at 1pm and go to sleep at 1:15am. *groggily*Heyy; don't log without us! Sorry, didnt know you were awake... Haul? Oats? *snore* *snore* I feel so supirior. I wouldnt. my little sister and ALL of my...
  2. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    50 VIEWS BEBBEH!!! :mellow:
  3. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    okay; for helping reasons: Fritzy=Red Oats=Green Haul=Orange Fritzy hit me! DID NOT! DID TOO! I am very annoyed. *sigh* Fritzy, why did you hit oats? He chased me with a booger on his finger!! You guys disgust me. Oats, why did you chase fritzy around with a booger? She called me FAT...
  4. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    I Just got a heart mail :D How very interesting. :) 'Roxers! yeah? Haul is sleepin'! then be quiet! Sorry. HEY, BOXO!! SHHHHH! what!? Haul is sleeping. I KNOW THAT!! You guyss! I'm tryin' to NAP! Sorrry :mellow:
  5. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    35 vievs already!? I feel so special :) ) ANYWHOOS, i was sittin here eating easy mac, so I figured it ws time for; BORING STATS :DD how fun. Fritzy; 0yr 19lbs 1generation hungry **** happy***** train [||||||_________] friendship***** points 23740 Oats 0yr 15lbs 2generation...
  6. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    THIS JUST IN- Heyyy, we wanna tell them!! Yeah, let us! *sigh* fine. go ahead. I evolved into a Kuchitama! And I'm a kuribotchi!! Oats looks like a kutchipatchi without limbs and Haul looks like an acorn. EXCUSE ME!? uh- A very Cute acorn and kutchipatchi-without-limbs! **Scoffs**...
  7. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    Okay, well, Haul and Oats are both Male Petitchis and Fritzy is a Belltchi. Haull and Oats are siblings, their mother was a Mimitchi named katie and their father was a kutchipatchi named kyle. I'll let them say a little bit about themselves; HI! My name is Fritzy, and i'm the cutest of all...
  8. boxoroxers

    Tama LOG :DD

    THIS will be alog about a Music star named Haul, A music Star named Oats, And a Tama-Go named Fritzy. B) Stay tuned as I begin to log. they will talk :D ~*Boxoroxers*~ :(