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  1. G


    i am so bored is there anything to do? i have gotten caught up in naruto, and nothing is fun unless it's naruto related i can not stop it all started when i thought the show was stupid, but i gave it a chance and now i love it. i started getting more into naruto when i could not stop...
  2. G


    i am so bored is there anything to do? i have gotten caught up in naruto, and nothing is fun unless it's naruto related
  3. G

    uhhh... hi

  4. G


    hi, i like eggs... and, and bread, and i want a frend and a frend who lives in florida. i also like makeup and clothes... AND YOUR A BOOGIE
  5. G

    yo dudes

    HEY! I'm kayla... talk 2 me anytime u need! (you better!!) JUST JOKING! :( I crack myself up!
  6. G

    hi everyone

    ive been on here for at least a month... but i still need some help around here! i'm a gurl, and very freindly, so pm me anytime!
  7. G

    hey dudes! i really need frends

    hey, yo, i'm kris. need some frends ta talk 2