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  1. H


    My battery for my V4 failed after one day (I just put it in yesterday, and it's not working anymore??). I connected my V4 with my V3 ALOT.Does connecting too much affect my tamagotchi's battery?
  2. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Hehe interesting... Pocky woke up at 8:00 AM... but I was still sleeping. I was awoken by the sound of tamagotchi music/beeping. I picked up my tama, and sure enough- he had evolved! He's a.... patapatatchi!!! Woooo! Hehehe, when Pocky evolved, he fell back asleep. Niiice... Hana is STILL a...
  3. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay. Not much has happened. Both of my tamas are sleeping right now... I connected my tamas ALOT during the day... now they're best buddies!! Well... sorta? I got a stereo from the shop, and played the CD. I was pretty surprised when I heard Fur Elise... I like that song :P . Well, I feel...
  4. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Yeah, I know. It's my fourth post. Maybe I should just combine all of my posts into one? Nah... it never hurt to use a little log space! :D Well, nothing much has happened, but I connected them alot. I'm determined to make them mates! They're the perfect match (at least, thats what I...
  5. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Hey, hey, hey. I just got a letter... hmm it's an important letter!! Could this mean..... yes! Hana is now enrolled in preschool! A teacher came and took her to school... i forgot what her name is though. She gave her a gift! Ummm what is this peculiar looking gift?? Huh. I have no idea. I'll go...
  6. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    I just went on Tamatown with my V3 AND V4... and I got lotsa items! ^^ Omg, my V4 just evolved!!! It's.... a Mohitamatchi!! Now both- ooooo, my V4 got mail!! Hold on, lemme see... ahh! The king arrived- he gave me points! Yippee! Anyway, I was saying that both of my tamas are now the same age...
  7. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay, several things happened. My V4 needed a new battery, so I replaced it. Then I thought, what the heck, and reseted it. Now, I have a baby girl, and her name is Hana! I'm gonna connect my V3 and V4- I wanna mate them. Who needs matchmakers?? Haha, Hana won an eating contest against...
  8. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Oh oh, Pocky is sleeping! I think when he wakes up, he'll become a toddler... is that how it works? I kinda forgot... I'll just have to wait and see.... Hmm.. maybe I should pause my V4 and let my V3 and V4 mate? Nah, it's too late for that- Stacy (V4) is already 6... Huh. They're both...
  9. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    My V4 is sleeping. Everything is absolutely normal. I just put a new battery into my V3. I reseted it- I was on the 15th generation, but oh well... I wanna start fresh. I could do the same with my V4... but nah, I'm too lazy. Anyway, there's a new egg on my screen and I'm waiting for it to...
  10. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay. Forget my other log- forget it ever existed. I forgot I had quit my V3 as well... ^^ Sooo... I'm gonna include my V3, and put it in the same log as my V4. Here I go!
  11. H

    What happened?

    Oh, i see now! Thanks alot :furawatchi:
  12. H

    My V4 Log- The Reawakening

    Man, that was bad. So, you know how my tama's happiness was drained after I used the chest...? Well... I tried to make it happy again, by feeding her a orange. One of the hearts was filled. Obviously, that wasn't enough, so I fed it a melon. And you know what happened? It made a strange face...
  13. H

    What happened?

    Oh, thanks! I guess I won't touch the melon ever again... :furawatchi: Mine is a v4 and its a Pukatchi. Thanks :furawatchi:
  14. H

    What happened?

    Okay, so I just unpaused my tama after playing it 2 years ago. It had 4 hearts next to happiness (so I guess it was fully happy). I bought a chest, used it, and my tama turned into a baby. I checked its happiness right after that- and the hearts were empty! I gave it a snack (an orange), checked...
  15. H

    My V4 Log- The Reawakening

    Uh-oh. How do I unpause it again?? :furawatchi: Aha, I did it. Phew. Let's see.... hmm why is my little fellow falling? Aww... poor thing. Time for... umm... stats? STATS: Name: Stacy Age: 6 Hunger:OOOO Happiness:OOOO Training: 4 Bars Weight: 36 pounds Gender: Girl Generation: 10th...
  16. H

    My V4 Log- The Reawakening

    Okay. Here's the deal. I used to play with tamagotchis alot, but I quit. Now it's winter break, and I've decided to fiddle with my tamas again. I kinda forgot alot about tamas, so bear with me. I hope I don't kill my tama... :furawatchi: Also, I'll pause it alot, since I don't have as much...