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  1. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay. Pocky left Puff last night... but Hana didn't leave Skype yet! Weird... Puff: Wah! Wah! I'm alone!! Skype: Hah. Sucker. I've got mommy! Hana: -is emotionally attached- Neber leabe me!! -cries- Skype: Okay, maybe I'M the sucker here. Mailman: MAAIL!!!!!!!!! Skype: It's a letter from...
  2. H

    Reaaally Young Adult

    It was 0 years old when it was a teen. Thanks alot for all of the helpful info! ^^
  3. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    My mom got off the phone. She smiled, got her purse , and said she'd be back in a few. When she returned, she was holding a bag. A KB-Toys bag. I looked at it suspiciously, and asked what was in there. She pulled it out- and my eyes widened. The Tamagotchi V3!!! I pulled out the tab, and began...
  4. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    That was strange. My V4 froze, so I had to take out the battery. I put it back in, and everything's okay now. :lol: Well, the aging process is probably messed up (again). Okay, time to gooo...
  5. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Lalalalaa... Pocky and Hana are really thrilled to have baby boys! I've decided to name the first baby (in the V3) Puff, and the other baby Skype. I know, aren't they unique names?? Puff: I is Puff!! Skype: I is SKYPE!!! Pocky: What kind of fool would come up if with THOSE names?? I did. I...
  6. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Ooooooo!!! The unexpected happened!!! Okay, so you know my tamagotchis are in love, right? Well, I was connecting them, thinking "hm hm hm, they're gonna have babies tomorrow!". When I connected them, they just stood over on their own screens, shaking their heads. But they weren't saying no...
  7. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Weeh... the teacher job is okay... XD. Here are some stats: STATS (V3): Age: 4 Weight: 34 lb. Hunger: OOOO Happy: OOOO Training: ||||||||| STATS (V4): Age: 3 Weight: 20 lb. Hunger: OOOO Happy: OOOO Training: |||||||| (seriously... just ONE more bar!!! geez... ^_^ ) Pencil Skill...
  8. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Woo-hoo! It happened!! What happened, you ask? Let's just say the sexy costume worked. Still don't get it? Well.... Hana: Ah, I still remember the moment. Pocky: -eats sushi roll- Mhm hmm? Hana: You were giving me a present- then our eyes connected. And we fell in LOVE!!! <3 That's right...
  9. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Hooray! Pocky evolved into... a Pyonkotchi!! Is that good or bad? Hmm... right now, actually Pocky's a Nyatchi!! He's wearing a costume- hehe... also, y'know how I said there's no animation for New Years? Well, there actually is! I was reading a book when I heard music- coming from both of my...
  10. H

    Reaaally Young Adult

    Oh, I did replace my batteries... that was really helpful! :o Thank you! :D
  11. H

    Reaaally Young Adult

    Really? So does that mean it can mate at age 4 (if it's an adult for 3 more years)? Well, that's cool then. Thanks! :D
  12. H

    Reaaally Young Adult

    Now I'm really confused. My V4 is only 1 years old, yet she is already an adult! How is that possible? My V3 is 3 years old... yet he's still a teen! Are V4's supposed to evolve that quickly, or is it a glitch, or something? (Btw, my V4 is a Pukatchi...) Thanks, please help if you can! :D
  13. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Hmm, strange. Hana evolved... into a Pukatchi! Funny, thats what I had before I resetted my V4... Anyway, Hana is only 1 years old! She can be an adult at that age? Who knew?? Hana: Yay! I'm an adult!! Pocky: W-what?? But I'm older than you! By 2 whole years!! Hana: Hah, thats cuz I'm a...
  14. H

    Love Potion help?

    That helped alot, thank you! ^^
  15. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay, not much has happened. Buuut... Hana finally turned 1!! Let's see what she has to say about it!! Hana: YES! I'm 1!! Haha, I rock!! I'm not 0... w00t!! Pocky: Psssh, well I'm 2! Hah, beat that. Hana: Well I'm a V4! Pocky: I'm a boy! Hana: Oh noo... don't go sexist on me! Pocky: :S...
  16. H

    Love Potion help?

    Hi, I was just wondering- when using the love potion, do both of the tamas have to use it in order for it to work? Also, will it work even though they're different versions (one is a V3 and the other is V4)? And to use you just go to items and drink it, right? Please do help, thank you! ;)
  17. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Awww, my tamas are sooo hygenic. Since they're teens, they can now brush their teeth, and take a bath. It's cute. :D Oh, and I forgot to say- Hana graduated from preschool, and is now going to elementary school! Hooray!! She has Mr. Turtle as her teacher. Hmmm... I'll post some stats. STATS...
  18. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Both of my tamas are teens! Hana is now... a young dorotchi!! lol, ghosty... now both of my tamas can umm... fly? Here's some dialogue!! Hana: OMG I'm a ghost!! Pocky: OMG no, my beloved!! Hana: What?! -slap- Geez, check our relationship status... we're only "good friends". Pocky: Yeah, but...
  19. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    That was weird... my V4 had a low battery, so I opened it up, and poked some stuff around... now it's okay? Wow. Now they're just moving... I'll post later. :)
  20. H


    Oh, lemme ask... ah! It's not fresh. Thank you :)