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  1. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay, so it has been 2 months since I've posted. You've probably guessed by now... I quit my tamagotchis. Again. Will I play with them ever again? It's not that likely, to tell you the truth. My V3 stopped working (well, actually I just need a new battery) and my V4 is on pause... it's been like...
  2. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Wow, look at all of that snow! Hmm. I haven't been on here for... 2 weeks?? Yikes. Okay, well Lily and Rose gave birth to two healthy babies (and that was a loooong time ago). Lily gave birth to a girl named Anne, and Rose gave birth to a boy named Jack. Right now, they're both Mimitchis...
  3. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Hmmm... it's been 5 days. Interesting. Well, Lily and Rose evolved! Lily is now a Ponytchi! Woo!! And Rose........ is a Pyonkotchi. Just like Pocky was. -_- Rose: Wait, wait. Wasn't Pocky a BOY??? Lily: Oo, maybe you're transgendered. Rose: Omg, omg, what am I going to do?! Lily: Ahhh...
  4. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    OMG, I feel like whacking myself in the head. Why? Because I haven't updated in what- a week??? Gahhhh!! Well, I guess I better do that now... well, Sushi and Clay both had girls (finally! a girl!) and I named my V4 Lily, and my V3 Rose. Flowery names! XD Currently, Lily is a Young Memetchi, and...
  5. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Uhm num num... yummy rice crackers!! ^^ So anyway, I just came back from school. Sooo... time to unpause my tamagotchis...! 3... 2... 1... hooray! Y'know, they would grow alot faster if I brought them to school. But, that's simply not possible. They could get lost in the crowded hallways as I...
  6. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Ahh! I barely ever have any free time! In fact, I should be starting my homework right now... ah well.... hmm, let's see what my last post was about! What?! Toddlers?? Wow, well now Sushi and Clay are adults! And they're pretty interesting looking... Sushi: What's THAT supposed to mean? Uhh...
  7. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Ack. I'm so busy these days... Happy Chinese New Year! It's kinda late, but whatever. Anyway, Spark and Burst both had two baby boys! I was kinda hoping for a girl, but... oh well. They left their babies last night... and these babies have evolved into toddlers! I named my V3 Sushi (my favorite...
  8. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Ahhh... school is so tough. Stinkin' midterms... ANYWAY... nothing significant has really happened. Oh, but I recently connected them! It's working again! Yippee... now at least these two cousins know each other... sorta'... Spark: I'm the intelligent Mametchi. I didn't know my cousin was so...
  9. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Ah hah, yes! Inauguration day! Woo-hoo! Anyway... Spark and Burst evolved into adults! Burst evolved into... a Kutchipatchi! I should have guessed... before he was a young kutchipatchi. Derr... Spark, is a... Mametchi!!! Oh yayyy!! He's doing that close-up thing... really cute!! Spark: Ahah...
  10. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Well, a lot of things happened. Skype and Puff left, so Burst and Spark were left to fend for themselves. They evolved into teens today... they're pretty cute! Burst is a young kutchipatchi (Sweet!) and Spark is an Obotchi! They're both pretty cute. Spark's Diary: I am beyond horrified. I look...
  11. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Oh man, school work is becoming reallllly tedious these days... anyway. Things happened. Time to put them in chronological order!! Har, har, har. Well, first, Skype got a job. Bus driver. Yay! Actually, it's a really boring job. Ah well. Then... the matchmaker visited him!! Skype mated with a...
  12. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    This is slightly random, but... Puff is doing one of those close-up things!!! He looks SOOOO cute up close!! Awwwww! Puff: Ah hah, that's right. Skype: Geez. You're just doing that to get better treatment. Puff: Am not. Heheh.......
  13. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay, so yesterday, I visited Hana and Pocky. They were.... ummm.... Hana: POCKY! FOR THE LAST TIME, GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE COUCH AND HELP ME TIDY THE HOUSE!!! Pocky: Wait, wait. The lead mametchi is getting ready to- Hana: I AM GOING TO SA- Puff: What's happening here? Skype: Wassup rents...
  14. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Gah. This school stuff is wearing me out. ANYWAY... here's what happened. Yesterday, Skype evolved into a Debatchi! Haha, he has cute front teeth!! I shoulda guessed... he looked like a tooth when he was a teen! Y'know, people say I have big front teeth. Heh? Andddd... 10 minutes ago... Puff...
  15. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    I KNEW it would happen. You probably knew too. I forgot to pause my tamas again!! >.< Now, I won't be surprised if my tamas evolve into gozarutchi. :D I'm SUCH a pathetic owner. :/ Well, at least they were able to age normally? Heh? They're all fixed up now... their wake time is 10:00...
  16. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Skype evolved. Um. He looks. Um. Bald. Um. Hawainotchi? No offense to anyone who likes this character, buuut... he looks kinda weird. :D Is he a good character? Ermmm... Puff: Omagah! Skype! W-w-what happened to you?! Skype: I... I... uhhh. Evolved?! Into a... ahhhh!!! Puff: Yep. Bleh.
  17. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    This is so sad! I can't connect my tamas... it keeps on failing for some reason. :S Ahh, well... I can't mate them anyway. It's kinda sad that they were only able to meet at birth though... Puff: It's okay. I can see my bro from my screen. Besides, my reputation will be ruined if they see me...
  18. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Okay, I didn't expect my tamas to be alive when I got home from school. Why? Well... I'm was very hectic this morning... I overslept a little. Heh... I was GONNA pause my tamas right before I left for school (I don't wanna pause their growth TOO much), but I got flustered and ran to catch the...
  19. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    Don't expect me to be updating this log that often anymore. School... I'm busy... and yeah. Anyway, Skype evolved into a Mohitamatchi... just like Hana. Great, these two are just like Pocky and Hana... except Skype isn't a girl. O.o Idk. I didn't visit Hana on tamatown yet, I'll be back in a...
  20. H

    My Tama Log-My V4 and V3

    You know what? I'm going to force Hana to leave. Like now. School starts tomorrow, and I don't have the time to take care of a baby tama, even if it's just for an hour. It's TIME-CHANGING TIME! Aww... but Hana is taking a bath... >.< Should I interrupt her? Sure, why not. Might as well do...