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  1. P

    My v5 log!

    So today my tamas called for me three times and I bonded with them! ;D They made two balloon dogs and played the tambourine! And I was so worried because I woke up late and they were hungry and unhappy and I felt so bad! Okay time for stats! The Ramos Family: Hungry: OOOOO Happy: OOOOO...
  2. P

    My v5 log!

    Late post I know, but I feel like updating everyone. So today was fun! My tama family got to experience their first fishing trip! ;D My family went fishing and I brought them with ne and they got to experience fishing for the first time! (; I think I will post their stats! The Ramos Family...
  3. P

    My v5 log!

    My tama familitchi family evovled last night but I chose not to post about it. I'll post some stats! ;D The Ramos Family: Laura: Belltchi Mitchel: Mousetchi Marylin: Tororotchi Stats: Hungry: OOOOO Happy: OOOOO Bonding: 0% )': Generation: 1 GP: 80 I played some games with them to...
  4. P

    My v5 log!

    Okay so I just restarted my v5 (and no this is not the celebrity v5 , it's the normal one.) So I named my family the Ramos family! ;D The Ramos Family: Omututchi: Laura (daughter) Mimifuwatchi: Mitchel (son) Futabatchi: Marylin (daughter) Okay so currently my hungry and happy hearts are all...