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  1. parijat


    Hi guys, I have posted a couple times on the forums and am an avid reader of the forums! I just wanted to say hello! I use to play with the tamagotchis back in the days, I actually had a Nano Baby. So I guess this is my first time playing with the Tamagotchi. I have a V5 (2 of them) and a V4.5...
  2. parijat


    sweet...can i still increase my skill points if i have an adult? I have an UraMametchi. The info at TamaTown said that if i increase my skill level to about 900 that I could get special character as the child. Is this true? by the way, elanorwolf, thank you so much for your help :)
  3. parijat

    Preschool V4.5

    thank you!!
  4. parijat


    I was just wondering where the link was for v4.5 tips, such as how to increase skill levels and happiness?
  5. parijat

    V4.5 Code for Bananas

    okay, thank you!
  6. parijat

    Preschool V4.5

    oh yes, the turtle teacher. I realize that when it blinks it moves, but is the smiley face under the box that isn't blinking??
  7. parijat

    Preschool V4.5

    I was just wondering, how do you know where the smiley face is going to be in the 3 boxes? I cannot figure out the pattern, is it random??
  8. parijat

    V4.5 Code for Bananas

    Is there a password to get Bananas for Tamagotchi V4.5?
  9. parijat

    V4.5 Wake up time?

    thank you :blink:
  10. parijat

    V4.5 Wake up time?

    Thanks! That was helpful! One more question, how long does it take for a v4.5 to change/transform/grow to each stage?
  11. parijat

    V4.5 Wake up time?

    Hi, I just got my V4.5 in the mail today. I tried to look around the forum for my answer. What time do the v4.5 wake up? It transformed into a tamatchi an hour ago. Also, where is the FAQ or topic discussion on tips for raising a good, healthy tama? if there is one. Thank you!
  12. parijat

    Connecting with another V5

    Thanks so much! it worked :angry:
  13. parijat

    Connecting with another V5

    This is my first time posting in here and also owning a Tamagotchi. I have two V5 Tamagotchi Connections and I wanted to connect the two of them. However, when I do try and connect them (by going to the heart and selecting V5) it says stand by and then 10-15 seconds later the screen disappears...