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  1. L

    LadyLilac's Diary of Tamagotchi's

    I is back! Yay! Two whole days in a ROW! Let's raise the roof <_< He's doing it! Tigle got two hearts in the mail today, and two poops! I finally figured out how to play the school game, and as of today here are his life points: Intelligence, 250 Style, 163, and Kindness, 113. Someone...
  2. L

    LadyLilac's Diary of Tamagotchi's

    Hello, this is my first post. :( I'm LadyLilac and this will be my log telling about my V4. Well, now that we have gotten the introduction out of the way, let's get started! The outer... shell is pink with little blue and lighter pinkish blobs. But that's not important. I'm the proud mother...