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  1. T

    my tama log

    my v4 is a ;) (that guy not sure of name) he is going to marrie my v1 I started them at the same time but my v1 is 2 years older my v4 stats: c. mcfin w.23lb t. 5 bars skill points i.6 f.28 s.18 g.male gen.4 a.0 p.3400 my v1 stats: c. n e! w.50g(goodness) t.3 g.female gen.1...
  2. T


    showed anyone interested. but soon mr. bukind a mean and nasty teacher saw kate and krissy and he...
  3. T

    my tama log

    my v4: :D c. mcfin w.21lb t. 2 bars skill points i.0 f.15 s.15 g.male gen.4 a.0 p.2030 my v1: :D c. n e! w.44g t.1 g.female gen.1 a.1 :( legend :huh: c=called w=weight t=training i=itulecualcy points f=fashion points s=social g=gender gen=generation a=age...
  4. T

    trying to chose characters!

    hello to anyone that likes tamarific experiments well I had this idea that mabey what you feed your tama and what games you play rally efecs it :P eg. I have a v4 that I have decided to only feed on hamburgurs and oranges and play jumping rope with I will aso have mr. canvas as teacher and...
  5. T


    you can get the matchmaker to come when your tama is 6,7,8 or 9 by setting the time to 2:59 and waiting 1 minute :(