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  1. P

    the past-due log of star

    Star's hungry fed her a scone. Unhappy from snake in letter, fed oranges.
  2. P

    the past-due log of star

    Mail call!!! Regular letter. This letter is a letter from ????????. It contains a snake!!!
  3. P

    the past-due log of star

    Mail call!!! Fortune cookie(glittering star). I got 2 gotchi point stars, 3 heart stars, and 1 of those other man-looking things.
  4. P

    the past-due log of star

    Here is a log I should have made earlier, but now she is an old timer. Her name is star, and I got her on Jan. 20. As my tamagotchi dies this log will become the log of that tamagotchi. I will write 3 entries per day, although if something special happens it will be writen in blue, and will...