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  1. K


    nothin much has happened yet 2day, but i bought swiss a chest in the shop, and got a juice. i think that its a waste of GP (gotchi points) tho becausse i bought the chest for 200 and got sumthin that only cost 80GP :(
  2. K


    pllzz reply! i feel like im talkin to no one! ps, if you like my logg, put :D if its 2 comfusin, put :D and if you plain just dont like it, put :D
  3. K


    Evolve time!!!!!!!! chese, the V2, evolved into a ICHIGOTCHI!!!! :D !! its sooooo cutttte!! swiss, the V3, also evolved into a obotchi! now i have all teens! yaaaay! for adults I am hoping for: :) for chese :D for swiss and :o for titch p.s replys are welcome! pllz reply! i...
  4. K


    OK, im bored, so i will post my tam's items camo V2 ITEMS 1) ball 2) boots TREATS 1) potato 2) shrimp 3) chicken 4) cheese burger 5) shrimp 6) fried chicken 7) lollipop 8) fish 9) bread waves V3 ITEMS 1) ball 2) drum 3) blocks 4) cap 5) shoes 6) umbrella 7) makeup 8)...
  5. K


    yay! my first post! :D so, i have a pink&purple camo V2, a green snakeskin V3, and a blue wave V3. BLUE WAVE V3 right now I have a happy little mohitamatchi boy named swiss, 0yrs, 55pounds(yikes!) he is just bouncing on the screen right now, bein the happy self he is CAMO V2 on...