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  1. B

    My Tamagotchi's Life

    Hello, Boo got hurgry for the first time in 12 hours WOW. She also wanted to play games hs is my little Boo again. She is my Boo. If you want to give some name for when the match maker comes feel free to add post on here. I dont mind it i swear. Me a pokemonlover will chocie the best 1 the day...
  2. B

    My Tamagotchi's Life

    Thank you
  3. B

    My Tamagotchi's Life

    Thank you i know that she usally calls me all the time but now nothing she hasn't been hurgry for 8HOURS.
  4. B

    My Tamagotchi's Life

    At the Mo Boo is a teenage. She got 8am this morning and then turn into a teenage and went back to sleep what a moment. Well now she's doing nothing she is not hungery and is very happy. She is 23LB and 1 year okd. she has 50p and she is my 1st Gen. I love her to bits. She has music, Hair Gel...
  5. B

    Byebye all my tama's

    Tamagotchi's Name: all of my tamas Tamagotchi's Age: 0-10 Date of Birth: # Date of Passing: # What Generation? # Your Comments: byebye