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  1. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    And Ill also be pausing Skyan when I go to school tomorow so he should evolve in the morning the day after tomorrow :angry: More Soon! And Posts are Welcome if anyone wants to say anything!
  2. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    I also went to visit tammy today and she gave me a cellphone. Aww, Shes still very cute as a Kuchipatchi and her house is simple and neat, Cool! ;) :angry:
  3. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Tammy left today ;) I changed the time a lot earlier since I had to go to school early tomorrow and stuff like that. Tammy left her Baby boy, and it was very sad. She started talking to him after a few minutes then she flew away :angry: Anyway I named the baby boy Skyan (Pronounced...
  4. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Yay! B) Tammy the Kuchipatchi got married!!! I took her to schooltoday, and right when we were outside the hall (Going to assembly) I checked in my pocket (secretly) if Tammy was all right and there was the Match maker! I quickly pushed a button and the Matchmaker came with a beautiful...
  5. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Aww, Hehe :o Tammy's a Kuchipatchi, and its quite cute when she plays with the clone :o They dance together :o Oh and I cant debug my V2 unfortunately, because its a connexion not a connection so it cant be debugged :o
  6. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Nohing much happened with Tammy today :ph34r: I think the Match maker will come tomorrow or the day after that. Oh and if anyone has the answer to my questions in my last post could someone please Pm them to me?
  7. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    O.k, Tammy finally EVOLVED!!! She changed into a... ... ... ... ... ... KUCHIPATCHI! Not really what I was hoping for, but Ive dressed her up in a bunny costume so shes really cute now :ichigotchi: Hopefull Ill get a Mametchi next time maybe *sigh* It seems harder to get the good...
  8. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Still nothing happened to Tammy. But shes going to have evolved tomorrow, so check back later :unsure: Hopefully, Tammy would have turned into a beautiful Mametchi! :angry: <_<
  9. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Nothing much to say :gozarutchi: Tammy now has full training and is still very easy going, though once today when she became hungry I fed her up and when she was sad, gave her a snack and she played a game. After only around 20 minutes, she lost another heart. I got a bit shocked at first...
  10. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    sorry I havent been posting lately. Nothing much happened except their was a sale in my shop. Tammy just needs one more training bar to get full 9/9 and Ive kept her in perfect condition.
  11. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Thanks again Tamagirl :) Tammy's asleep now with the lion doll, shes looks really cute :) Anyway it'll be a bit longer than 3 days for Tammy to change because Ill have to pause her when I go to school. Hopefully by the end of this week before Friday she would have changed. *crosses...
  12. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    O.k, Tammy finally evolved. I was sleeping when she did and had the sound off. When I finally woke up (Around 14 minutes after she woke up) She was asleep as a patapatachi (One that looks like a flying bird with arrows sticking out of its head). Not sure why I got her, since I took absolute best...
  13. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Thanks sooo much Tama girl :) That did help a lot, yay! tammy's sleeping now, I bought her a lion doll today, shes sooo cute, sleeping with it :huh:
  14. P

    My V3 Log ^_^

    Hello there, this is going to be about my v3 and how it grows up and such. Ill post everyday, about what happens to my tamagotchi. O.k, yesterday (Friday 31st March 2006) I got my Tamagotchi v3 from Warehouse and I opened it and turned it on at around 8:00. I got a girl Teletchi, which I named...