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  1. K

    Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers

    I keep it in my trusty jeans pocket. It's fallen out several times, but the worst thing that happened is that my old tama's screen cracked when it hit the sidewalk. I have almost been caught once with my V5, but I just switched it to the time mode and told my teacher it was a clock. Good...
  2. K

    ~Kawaii's Tama Log~

    Sorry for not posting! School is like a prison and drowning me with work. Anyway, the Plama family are now adults! AY! And so is Whit- Whitlea: Lea. -Lea. Gary, the oldest, is now... a KUCHIPATCHI! (I love green squares) Belle is now a Hotetchi, and Jet is the cute Mametchi! Jet: *blushes*...
  3. K

    You're banned!

    You're banned for banning someone with a reason.
  4. K

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    because snorlax gave it gas. Why is the grass green?
  5. K

    ~Kawaii's Tama Log~

    Oh hai. So, you are reading this Tama log? That VERY nice to know. Well, let's get to the Tamas! Cotton Candy V5 The Plama Family. Was suspossed to be Plasma, but letter retristions changed it to Plama. (Yay for those who get the reference~) 1st Gen Ahirukutchi - Gary Tororotchi - Bianca...
  6. K

    HI There?

    I have the white one. Kuchipatchi is one of my favorites :)
  7. K

    What is The Avvie Above You Saying?

    Look mommy! I'm a seal!
  8. K

    100 weird places for you tamagotchi to evolve!

    41. When you are talking to your friend about srs bznz 42. During a solo in a school play (I hate to admit it, but true story) 43. When you walk into your room when it's dark and it scares you to death XD 44. During an awkward moment with your guy friend.
  9. K

    HI There?

    Hi. I'm Kawaii_Tama3. You can call me KT3 if you want. I've been into Tamagotchis since I was little. I've had A V4.5, but my brother decided to mess with it. >_< I have a Tama-Go and a V5 now. My friend suggested this site to me. I don't know if she has one on here, though. I have...