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  1. M

    Old Tamagotchis=Pointless

    Nevermind! I found them! lol
  2. M

    Old Tamagotchis=Pointless

    I feel so stupid now, I had like 2 or 3 (including a Tamagotchi Angel), and I think I threw them all away when I cleaned my room a few months ago. I used to collect all sorts of Virtual Pets, I had a Jurassic Park Giga Pet, some dumb little bear thing I got from some kid for my 10th b-day, some...
  3. M

    I'm confused

    I have a Tamagotchi Connection (Not the version 2, I don't think...) Anyway, I was playing that online game on the official website, and it gave me a code, but it isn't working. Do I have to have a special Tamagotchi for that?