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  1. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Well I think this is the end of this log. It doesnt seem to be going anywhere and no one comments and I get no feed back. I'm not even sure if anyone is reading this :( . Oh well. thanks anyway.     ~pixie~
  2. Pixiegotchi

    What is it? o.O

    it looks like it could be a lotsa pet. ask mothra. at the very bottom of this page is a lotsa pet, they look exactly alike but diffrent colors.
  3. Pixiegotchi


    you know you can just get the guidebooks free online...
  4. Pixiegotchi


    shutupandsmile is wrong. Hobby link no longer sells ID's and TMGC+C. they no longer make those tamagotchis since the relese of the ID-L next month. ebay is the only place to get them. a color is around 65-70$ plus shipping, an ID is 80-110$ plus shipping. Go for the color. it is super simple and...
  5. Pixiegotchi

    Flashing TMGC+C Screen?

    The TMGC+C doesnt have a pause feature. Thats why people use the time thing becasue it is the only way to "pasue" it. also the tmgc+C can only connect with other colors and ID and 99.9% of people with the tmgc+c only have the one.
  6. Pixiegotchi

    What's the difference of v1 and v2?

    Well the 3rd white one is def a v2 it is american, the other ones are australian/ uk so i dunno about those
  7. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Ok so I mated maiditchi, sorry I didn't get any pics but I did get a bunch of pic of the new baby. Hes a cutie! glad its a boy, just what I wanted. The weather is oddly nice for being feb, so I got all the happy things super easy. I did cheat on the shooting star one but all the other ones I got...
  8. Pixiegotchi

    Flashing TMGC+C Screen?

    set the time if you can. ( doesnt have to be the right time) then take the batteries out for a minute then put new ones in. hope that works
  9. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Ok so I needed to make this quick little update. Im just about to head to sleep its 2am but I took a quick peek at maditchi and noticed something super odd. You will see in the photos as proof I kid you not! but when I put her to bed she was only 3 years old. and when i did my quick peek she was...
  10. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Well Ive gotten everything on the TMGC+C and has become boring and so has my log. I`m sorry! Last few days nothing happened with her. She turned into maiditchi yesterday. I might be able to mate her tonight. Hoping for a boy this time but it doesn`t matter.Her tree turned into an ageing box. I...
  11. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Well I wanted to take some pictures of my little girl being a toddler But it was pretty late. So when she changed into a toddler she went straight to sleep. I was hoping I could get a few pics and an update before she turned into a teen but my bf was out all day and I use his phone to take...
  12. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Well its time, After making 65520gp I decided it was time to mate my little kutchi <3. After Many lovely suitors a chose Memetchi. Together they had a beautiful baby.....GIRL!. Hope I get ichigotchi. I really don't have much to say it's really all in the many pictures I took! ~pixie~
  13. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Happy day! I woke up this morning at there was puffy clouds outside :D so I got the last of the happy symbols I need. BOOYAH. Also kutchipatchi Can now have a baby. But i'm going to wait until I save a ton of money for the new baby ( hope its a girl). I can finally go to the gotchi castle so...
  14. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    This is just going to be a quick little update nothing fancy. My little young mametchi turned into a kuchipatchi this morning! Exactly who I wanted to get :D . Super cute. He rarely poops so I haven't been able to see him poop in his new bathroom. I renovated both his bathrooms. Both to "cool"...
  15. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Well Young-Mametchi didn't turn into an adult today . Finally got the rainbow watering can. 2 more happy symbols to go, the heart cloud and the rainbow one. I can only get them on a cloud day but since its february it's still snowing it was raining yesterday. I renovated his room so its the...
  16. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    My TMGC+C arrived on February 8th. When I got it I did make a video log but then gave up because I was way to excited to do a Log so I canceled. But now that I got the hang of it I will make a log as soon as he has his First baby. I can update whats going on so far but my log wont start until He...
  17. Pixiegotchi

    Pixiegotchi's TMGC+C

    Hello,   Welcome to my Tamagotchi Blog. This is my first blog, My log will mainly be focused on the Tamagotchi + Color, I may in the future add my other Tamas but for right now it will be my Color. I have not yet recieved it in the mail yet so for now this will be the only post until it...
  18. Pixiegotchi

    tama go fav foods

    You are in the wrong topic. if you need help you should post here:What happened to my tamagotchi?. This topic is for food the tama-go characters like.
  19. Pixiegotchi

    tama go fav foods

    Um if you read her post It says Tama-go. >_>
  20. Pixiegotchi

    Broken tamago screen

    email bandai and they will give you an address to send it to and then you mail it to them and they will send you a new one or fix it and send it back.