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  1. S

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    :42: I don't know. :/
  2. S

    Dear (Insert Name Here),

    Dear Garlic Bread, I hate you and for me, you're not delicious. Sorry. Garlic Bread Hater, Bea. Dear PS2, Thanks. You finally worked! My brother can already play with you. Bea.
  3. S


    Yeah. I use Picnik when I need to edit pictures.
  4. S

    Messages/emails/whatever from famous people.

    I tried to say hello or hi, i love you very much and etc. on their twitter but they didn't reply.
  5. S


    Hello. The name's Beatrice. You can call me Bea when you're lazy. I'm just a normal girl who loves music and I eat cereal even if it's not breakfast time. :) "Sit with me and let's watch the stars." <3