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  1. T


    :blink: Kutchipatchi is a character my friend got on V2. He had Ringotchi AKA apple tama and i think he kept it on pause a lot and right when we were going to computers it changed :( PAUSE I repeat: :huh: Kutchipatchi is a character my friend got on V2. He had Ringotchi AKA apple tama...
  2. T


    :blink: Kutchipatchi is a character my friend got on V2. He had Ringotchi AKA apple tama and i think he kept it on pause a lot and right when we were going to computers. :( PAUSE
  3. T

    Information about Honey/Love Potion!

    Love potion does work, but once u get the matchmaker, AKA Mrs.Busybody, u can not use the love potion. But if u use it right before she comes, when your tama get married to the tama matchmaker introduces, it will still be in love. :lol:
  4. T

    you can get twins!!!!!!!

    What does it say? Can you post it in english???
  5. T


    Any proof of twins??? I have a poll and it's about twins!! VOTE NOW AND POST AND IF U VOTED YES FOR TWINS TELL ME HOW!!!!
  6. T

    Bad News from Japan!

    If we knew where they are doing this we should send them all these messages and tell them to stop because i bet that bandai spent a lot of time making tamagotchis! I opened my tamas up and there is a lot of things in side!!!
  7. T


    How does your tama change into an angel??? When??? I WANT TWINS!!!!
  8. T

    Bad News from Japan!

    They shouldn't do that! it takes a long time for a tama to die unless it's debugged. :rolleyes:
  9. T

    tama twins

    if u try naming it TWINS it could have twins..... :rolleyes: I tried it 2. maybe u will have more luck because u never tried it.......
  10. T

    2 BABIES?!?!?!?

    That's so cool!! :rolleyes:
  11. T

    How to get twins.

    Sorry, None work. :furawatchi:
  12. T

    How to get twins.

    TWINS had a baby and had 1 baby. So naming your tama TWINS does not work.
  13. T

    How to get twins.

    I named my tama TWINS so i'm hoping 4 twins.-----------> :D _____________________________________________________My tama_^
  14. T

    I have met the king!

    The king tamagotchi is a golden egg and he has a crown and little tamas polish him. :D He talk too!! :D
  15. T

    School stuff.

    If you wear one of those gap shirts that have those pockets u won't get caught but don't take it out.
  16. T

    Twins are no longer a myth

    that pic Has to be real. i don't know why someone would post a fake picture.
  17. T

    Poor old Bill....

    Tamagotchi's Name: Bill Tamagotchi's Age: 1 (I think :gozarutchi: ) Date of Birth: ?? Date of Passing: ?? What Generation? 1st Generation Your Comments: I hope Bill had a happy life and is having fun in tamaHeaven with the other dead tamas........... ;) :wacko: :ph34r:
  18. T

    Explain Codes Here

    I now all that.. All those other codes out there. u know???
  19. T

    Lots of extra points!

    I used a boombox and it blew up!! B) I used a gramophone and it plays random songs. :lol: I used the magic lamp and it gave me 7000p. B) I used a plant and i got cake. :kuribotchi: I used BLDG blocks and it makes strange stuff. :ph34r: Hope this helps!! :angry: Tama0wnerof8tamas
  20. T


    I think rom testing is when you press all the buttons and then press reset. Press A, then B, then C. Then you connect with and egg. I think thats's what it is because somewhere in there it will say ROM TEST. It say VERSION:A16 then do something like this ROM OK.