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  1. T

    What TamaTown V4 Is

    The new V4 cannot use the same connection as V3 TamaTown. In order to use V4 TamaTown, you enter a password ANd username. TamaTown V4 (Click The V4 Button)
  2. T

    Tamatown V4 Passwords!

    Well, spiffy's topic gave me an idea to make this topic. We'll collect all V4 passwords! Please include username. Young Robotchi Username: TLVER (from Tama0wnerof8tamas) Password: A2F5A4B F068528
  3. T

    embaraessing moments

    This happened to my friend Juan he just came to school from the doctor so he fell asleep drooling on his arm. Mine was I was playing with dolls and stuffing the bottles on their mouths but it was to big so I was shoving it but it wouldn't work so I threw it to the wall and stabbed it in the eye...
  4. T

    Tamagotchi Connexion V4!

    Actually, you are wrong. In Europe, V4 is out. None on eBay yet, though. :)
  5. T

    Why did Bandai make TamaIsland?

    You can take memetchi, kuchipatchi and tarakotchi off cause they are home! :P They made it for all tama fans to vote who they want to win! P.S. Bad news! I just went n Tama Island and Mimitchi is OFF! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :( :( :(
  6. T

    I'm Back!

    Hi ppl, I'm back! I've been spending time on TZ forever, but I'm back! :blink: I'll be on daily. :P
  7. T

    Are you learning a language if so what language?

    I'm gonna try to learn Japanese cause my uratama is Japanese.
  8. T


    What game?
  9. T

    TamaIsland - who did you pick?

    Wow, mametchi is winning here! :D Go mametchi! :pochitchi: I mainly love it because it has so many cute forms! ;)
  10. T

    Special free item

    Actually, sk8er girl wanted to know what uratown is so I gave her the link. ^_^
  11. T

    Special free item

    Look at my topic here:
  12. T


    Here is a guide for uratown. What is UraTown? UraTown is a place like tama-town for all ura-tama owners to bring their uratama to and earn points or gifts! What is the UraMarket for? The UraMarket is a market for you to buy cooking ingredients, toys, or even more! What is the mushroom house...
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    Try this for yourself...

    I looked.... I'm scared..... The blur was the ghost right?
  14. T


    Tamagotchi's Name: Kayo Tamagotchi's Age: Not sure..... Date of Birth: Darn you I can't remember..... Date of Passing: He left his baby 2 days later........ What Generation? 3rd Your Comments: Kayo had a cute memeotchi girl that he left 2 nights later (actually one, I forced him to leave:P)...
  15. T

    Androidtchi's OUT!

    Oh no! Androtchi too! *gasps* I guess I might have to take the adrotchi out of my siggy and replace it with an ugly drawing of young robotchi. :angry:
  16. T

    Group hatch

    I have 9 tamas!
  17. T

    My Neon Blue Ura-Tama

    I've figured I'd start out my log while my ura-tama was a teen. So I don't know the name, but it looks like an angry fieldworker. Points: 4590$G$ Family: Passion (Karate) Passion GUTS Points: 124 I'll try to update later....... *You are only allowed to comment, but only 2 questions.
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    Group hatch

    OK I'll do it I'll be in it! I hope that we can talk about uratama in the Group Hatching! :furawatchi:
  19. T

    Passwords for e-tamago

    I got one! But I don't know the character name though. :( 4062100 5232870
  20. T

    Passwords for e-tamago

    Question: How do you put in codes on your uratama/entama?