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  1. T

    Passwords for e-tamago

    Ura Young Furawatchi: 1125070 3602342
  2. T

    Club Penguin Group Hatching

    OK. We will arrange a meeting on Club Penguin. 12:35 PST American Flag Server: Vanilla I am Tamatownv4. If you have aproblem with this time, tell me. Also include your username.
  3. T

    V4 Close-Up Screens!

    Let's collect close-ups of the V4s. I got some, I'll get links.
  4. T

    TamaTalk Virus

    I got sucked in too, and I turned into a hungry Kuchibotchi. I ran but got knocked over by a cursor, and someone said above me.....
  5. T

    would you sue JD?

    The fakes look nice, I'm buying one made by JD. They have the right to make them, but no matter how hard they try, true tamas are the better ones.
  6. T


    Pic 1) The first, I'm buying one like that, I'll start a log. Pic 2) Looks like V4. Pic 3) My friend has a red one. Pic 4) Looks like V4. Pic 5) Fake V1/V2. Pic 6) Looks like advanced version of my friend's. Pic 7) Same as pic 6. Pic 8) Fake V4.
  7. T

    Fake Version 4 Touch Screen REAL!

    You reset it. nyway the child is a ghost now, and the name is only 3 letters, I'm buying a fake that looks like a Yasashii, and it is called Keyboard Tamagotchi.
  8. T

    Fake Version 4 Touch Screen REAL!

    My friend (Stevie) bought a fake V4 with a touch screen. She opened it at snack today, and guess what? Touching works, and there are V3 characters! The baby is Teletchi still, but that is as far as we got cause it froze.
  9. T

    Tamagotchi is now released in AUSTRALIA!

    Tamagotchi were released worldwide 1/7/07, why did Aus. get it late?
  10. T

    one word only!

  11. T

    v4 getting boring

    Why not try different types of caretaker? Like, bad care, next generation, good care? (FLOS) Try finding what that is. Friend looking over shoulder
  12. T

    lol is this real?

    Realo. That is "Tamagotchi School" as Kyuukei said. You are a teacher, you teach. It is real.
  13. T


    Hatched: December 24th, 2006 Gender: Male Name: SANTA Type: V4 ADULT Hatched: December 27th, 2006 Gender: Male Name: MARIO Type: V4 TEEN
  14. T

    My Tama...Nedds Help.

    Piropirotchi. Yes. A star. Sharp teeth. You got it, just pronounce it right.
  15. T

    Hey, Recruited by My Brother, Tama0wnerof8tamas

    Hi Luke! 203 posts to go to get up to me! :unsure: (It's me, Your Brother) Your Brother, Kurt
  16. T

    Did you get a V4 for christmas?

    I bought a new glow in the dark V4.
  17. T

    My Glow-in-the-Dark and Sunflower Design V4 Log

    Well, on X-Mas Eve, my 1st V4 was the sunflower design. Untabbing it, I named it SANTA because Santa was coming. A boy Tsubutchi arrived from the litle egg, an hour later (8:28 PM) evolving into a Petitchi (PANDA!!!). :) X-Mas Day was here and I got a lot of toys - still little SANTA being 0...
  18. T

    Wha! How could he!

    Please, stop getting off-topic. Robbing is clearly normal. It happened to me, no negative points. <--------- Those Are the Shop Codes
  19. T

    Did you get a V4 for christmas?

    Same design as me, eh? Are you trying to track me down? XD I got the same type, sunflowers.