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  1. TheHallidae16

    Do you remember your first tama?

    Mine was a pink V2 (They didn't have any more V1's at Toys R Us :( ) and it had pictures of lipstick and stuff on it. Unfortunately I wasn't very good at it and it would die during it's teenage stage. :( I eventually got better and got a mametchi~ ~TH16
  2. TheHallidae16

    I'm back from the dead! (This is tamachick1200)

    Hey guys, haven't seen you all in I think it was 5 years... O_O Um, I got a new account, so...yeah. It's been a while guys! I missed you all! I finally got all my tamagotchi's to work again and I even got a new one yesterday. (The first one I saw in stores for years and I was like "MUST HAVE!")...