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    Well I've been reading TONS of logs lately and I'm sure I can make a log wich you want to read so watch out!! Well here is my family!! version: v5 name: zelie gen.: 3 Family type: pure kupichi (I think thats how you spell it) Family members- boy/girl- name Tororotchi- girl- Icey (random I...
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    Walmart Adds V5's!

    I live in the UK and the Marks&Spencer near me had them the day they came out... for 45 pounds!! I think thay were scamming me!! :D (45 pounds=90 dollars)!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get one because my mum was going to go to America in two weeks. It cost 14.95 in wal-mart!! That would be about...
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    Amazon added V.5 Picture

    Amazon normally doesn't sell fakes. But I still wouldn't buy it. :D Hope I helped.
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    Tips for the Paranoid

    At school I hide my tama in my PE kit which I keep by my jacket. Nobody sticks there hands in Stinky, sweaty PE clothes. Not even if they hear a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP from inside it. And It's easy to slip into your pocket during Lunch, though I never show it to my friends, except one. It just feels...
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    I have a v5 and my Tamas grew up into adults. THEY BECAME THE LARGE FAMILY!!! So when the babies grew up... guess what? LARGE FAMILY... and on generation 3... LARGE FAMILY!! My brother hasn't played ONE game with his Tama and now he has a pure family! I have 2 Tamas and I use BOTH of them the...
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    How To Save a Drowning Tamagotchi

    My Tama fell into the bath when I was bathing. I didn't know you could save it so It's dead :D :hitodetchi: :lol: :) :D It was on 30g to!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :P If only I had read this. :D :furawatchi:
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    Wats you fav version?

    I probaly like the v5 or the v3 the best. Bandai is really annoying me these days. The v4's were a failure and Bandai tried to make them better with the v4.5!! :D Bandai should give it a rest. Every version are making people less and less into Tamas. And whats the pont of the .5's...
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    Who dislikes the v4-v5 tamas?

    I don't know.. The v4 and v4.5 was a bit repetitive and very annoying... but I'm not to huffed really. I like the school and stuff. :D I LOVE the v5 because even animals have family. But my favorite version has to be the v3 because the point was too have a happy pet NOT a happy human!! I...
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    Kuchipatchi's Blog in English?

    Does anyone know when he might be visiting Scotland. I don't want to miss this. I might stand out since I'm probaly a over-age to be playing Tamas.. but I'll say my sis made me come with her!! I don't really understand everything though. Could someone clear it up?? :D :furawatchi:
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    CNET News comments on tamas

    Why would someone say that!! Tamas are soooo cute. So they are a little needy. Thats what makes them fun! I really can't believe some one said that. I know I shouldn't listen to them but... I'm a tama freak. ^_^ :D :D :angry: :angry:
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    New Japanese Tamagotchi?

    Hey thanks. Just a question. when will the v5.5 (or whatever it is) be coming in the UK? It had better be much better than the v4.5. That was a waste of money.
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    Am I to old for Tamagotchis?

    No way. My dad uses Tamas and he's ancient. Hope this makes you feel better. I try not to care what others say though its really hard. :huh: :huh: :angry: :angry:
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    Tamagotchi Surgery

    Nice tip. I might use it. Or get my Dad to do it for me. I might just wreck the Tamas. All my hrad earned money gone into waste. (My parents are tightwads) ;) ;) :o
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    group hatching

    sure. But we will need more than one person.
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    How many Tamas

    Just wondering?? I personally have five 2 v3's 1 v4 1 v4.5 1 v5 -------------------- my Tama name: Ellie gender: girl weight: 25 lb age: 3 gen:6
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    I've only seen up to v8. It looked like a chunk of plastic. The picture didn't even look real. I was about to buy it to:( I didn't know to much about Tamas.
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    My Tama wont play any games! :nazotchi: :wacko: :wacko: :ph34r: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: It has full hearts on hapiness and hunger! WHY wont it play and games?? Please someone help! My Tama: Hunger: 4 hearts Happines:4 hearts Age: 3 yrs Gen: 1 Gender: girl...
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    tama care

    I'm new to Tamatalk though I've had Tamas for years and I admit I'm obsessed. I hate it when people mistreat it though. I've seen people at school be mean to thiers just to show of but I really hate. REALLY! It shows that they don't care about thier tamas. If you had a cat and it was sick would...
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    when will the tamagotchis stop:

    I dont know what I want. I guess I want a really good Tama then for Bandai to take a break because my mum says after the v5 no more Tamas unless they break. And she means it... Sadly :lol: :lol:
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    Well I always leave mine at home in case someone sees it... I mean if you are seen with one at school everybody teases you unless there your friends. We are allowed to bring them but no one does anyways. :lol: :lol: :( :( :( :( :( :( :(