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  1. A


    I saw Icey and Billy watching the Easter bunny!!!! Though I doubt that they will admit it now that there adults!!! Tonight they will get married!!! YAY ME!!! I'm going to chose Billy because I want a pure family!!! Hi... I'm really sad because today is my last day with my family before I leave...
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    Thoughts on Space Family

    THE SPACE FAMILYS AWESOME!!! :angry: :huh: :huh: :huh: :D :D :D
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    Maybe It would be cool to have a colour screen. I would probaly buy one but I would need to save for a LONG time. I'm comparing my v5 to my v3 and the v5 screen it yellow and black and its harder to see the Tamas while my v3 is white and black wich means its crystal clear. The v5 screen looks...
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    Hey I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I left my Tamas at home today on acsident. (Don't worry they were fine) but I want to tell a few tips about how not to forget your Tama if your like me and forgets and loses everything!!! Tips on how not to forget your Tama 1. On your phone, watch or persenol...
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    YAY! Icey grew into a ONPUTCHI Billy grew into a MUMUTCHI I'm so excited about getting a pure family!!!! I need 100% bonding though. I have 70% now :D :rolleyes: I'm have to go off now so I'll post more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hey Jasmi just grew into a Obotchi!!!! YAY!!! I know its a she and it looks like a he but I cant believe itas already a Teen and I started it yesterday!!! Well HAPPY ST.PATRICKS DAY!!!!! GREEN!!! AWESOME!!!! LOL, LATER!
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    Right as we speak Cindy and Ben are eating bannanas! I think they luv bannanas! No news on any one growing up except for Jasmi growing into a toddler. I have one training point for her! I havn't had much time because Monday is my bussiest day! First school. Then Tennis (I don't drop by home)...
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    Just befor I go Jasmi was sick! I feel so bad even though I know its a default setting :D :lol: :lol: :D She also neede the potty but I managed to get her on her little rubber duck toilet! (aww soo CUTE! Jasmi will be green from now on. Gooo-Gooo-Ga-Ga Pottys over here Jasmi...
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    I'm back!!! I'm excpecting the Twins to groe up again. I don't know when to get them married? This is probaly the best family I've ever had. As for my v3... It is an egg as we speak. Jasmi or Jami? Jami or Jasmi? I'll move on. I went hiking today sooo I left my v5 at home unpaused. I felt so...
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    THE ZELIE FAMILY ROCKS!!! YAY! (happy dance!!) I got the bonding up to 60%. Post more later!! Hey it's Icey here! Later!
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    YAY! My Tamas have 50% bonding!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! I'm soooo proud!!! Now when I hit the C button they play tag!!! YOUR IT! NOOO! YOUR IT! LIAR!! SHUT UP! You are halfway to 100% bonding can you not play a little game of Tag!!! Sorrwe(cute eyes) Sorry! Well I'll post later :D
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    Yay my Tamas GREW up! Here they are! Icey grew into a Ichigotchi! I love the food Tamas. They make me feel so good and hungry! I love food! For your interest Cheese ROCKS! Billy grew into a bomb! A Bakutchi if you must know. Bombs just suit him. NOW there officaly Teenagers! YAY! By wednesday...
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    What time should v5's wake up?

    I hate on Sundays being woken up in the morning at 7! But on school days I wish they would wake at six! I wonder if new Tamas will let you set the time the Tamas wake up. I also wish that they don't go to bed 9. I guess it's fine on school days and you don't worry about them. But on the weekends...
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    MMMmmmmm.... It smells good. I love the house when my Dads cooking! He's the only person in our family that can cook anything other than pasta! He's actually quite a good cook to be honest. Now back to buisness. My Tamas still havn't grown up. Maybe they will tonight? I'll sneak and have a party...
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    Hey I'm back! I've been working on the twins bonding. Now it's up to 30%! (Me singing) And then guess what! I ALMOST LOST my Tama! I heard a beep from the living room! AND I COULDN"T FIND IT! Until I decided it was lost and I turned on the TV and there it was! Next to the remote! I'm sooooo...
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    WOW! Cindy and Billy are watchig tv! (Mr giggles!) And there SLEEPING! The tv is black. well soo is the fridge and the mic. Hello ladies and gents. welcome to MR GIGGLES! WHOOOAAA!! ZZZZzzzzzzz.....! ZZZZZzzzzzz......! Knock? Knock? (Mr Giggles side assistant) Whoooos thier????(giggle) Me...
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    HERE I am. I woke up to fine Cindy and Icey singing. Good the sound was turned OFF! Hey! But that was JUST beause I was sleeping Hmmmm hey whats up? welcome up sleepyhead. You missed breakfast. Well done. I have to save up my energy for tonight. Why? Because today I have a sleepover...
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    Befor I go Its not actually 1 in the morning. Its actually 7 at night. I live in the UK you see. Bye
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    Hey . I just found out that I made a LITTLE mistake. I said I had the Kupichi or whatever it is family because I thought I did but I went to a disscusion forum and I realised that I had the easy-going family. I'm soooo bumed. :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :D You see the parents look the same...
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    Easygoing/Blended family?

    I also have the easygoing family and I had a yonepatchi. AND I had 100% BONDING! what have I done wrong? :huh: :P :P :huh: :D B) :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: