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  1. C

    potty training

    umm if i make my tama use the bathroom when the s's come up on the sides 6 times it always uses the bathroom ?????????????????????????????????
  2. C

    NEW - Tamagotchi School

    howed u get them plz pm me?
  3. C


    my tama is 55lbs and overweight my other is 65lbs and my other is 25lbs it really dosent matter but if u can try to keep it in weight limits. my tama was overweight and had a overweight kid. also the matchmaker came sooner when she was lighter. i dont kno if that has to do with anything...
  4. C

    Young Mametchi

    is my tama a good char.?
  5. C

    Young Mametchi

    i have 1. yup yup yup i have one but is there any way i must treat it ? help fast she might elvole!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if u have a boy tama can it still have a kid ??????? carolyn-b254
  6. C

    Want to know what your tama might turn into?

    i want to kno it as a adult
  7. C

    its me again

    u r so much help thanx anymore replys?
  8. C

    ? wat results i good care

    thanx so much i was worried that she was gonna die thanx
  9. C

    its me again

    ummmmm do i play heading or does bump lose more weight
  10. C

    its me again

    thanx alot
  11. C

    its me again

    no i feed it. and he barley makes messes i mean hes always fat and never losses weight ill try it
  12. C

    its me again

    my tama is in gen 2 and i tottally lov it but hes off to a bad start. hes sick every hour. he eats ik crazy and is 99 lbs. all he does is eat and poop and gets sick. wat do i do? is he dieing?? HELP :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :(...
  13. C

    Want to know what your tama might turn into?

    srry i have a tamatchi its a toddler girl o yrs old v3 1 gen i fill her hearts whenever i check normally, at 1200 in lunch and right after lunch i have free time and i check her all the time
  14. C

    ? wat results i good care

    ok but is there any way to train my tama and when im in school should i pause them cuz i have 2 and they r both overweight and im working hard to keep them happy
  15. C

    ? wat results i good care

    lik what r good char.? and what can i do to help my tama to be a good adult?
  16. C

    Want to know what your tama might turn into?

    name: cady age:baby gen:1 wat will i get as a teen and adult?
  17. C

    ? wat results i good care

    my tama died so i started a new 1 and i need to kno if i take great care wat results. and i also have a teen hinotamatchi is that good be honst
  18. C


    srry i ment that could i do this with a baby tama or it has to be a new tama
  19. C


    someone told me that i can pick my tamas charachters if i "debug" it. wat is this? should i do it? HELP!!!! ^_^ :D this is my tamas partner :wacko: :ph34r:
  20. C


    wats over weight for a teen hinotomatchi? and a adult kurakotchi? mine are both 99lbs is that to fat cux=z i think so