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  1. M

    V5 trick

    the link wont work for me, maybe for some others too so:
  2. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    you posted twice -_- you can edit your post, you don't have to post twice :D anyways... i havent been in wal-mart or target latley, hopefully they have some out, just for a early release for lucky ppl.
  3. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    i like the Tamagotchi house one, and the I love my family one.... and the cookie dough...i want those best.. ;) but im waiting too much, getting impatient
  4. M

    Bye dad, Bye life...

    my mom is my enemy too... ;) ;) and i hate the fact..
  5. M


    i love those! anyways...ehem....yes i do :0 AND I HATE IT!!!!
  6. M

    Do u wear make-up?

    makeup feels all icky! but i like painting my eyes really dark and putting black scars under them with a eye pencil, it looks awesooome... i rarley do it, i cant when my parents are around...^^ heehee
  7. M


    theres nothing wrong with it, but yes, its a waste of time! and people should stop signing up for dating and should only sign up for friends.
  8. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    im gonna search in stores on febuary.. ^^
  9. M

    Connection V5 to begin shipping in Jan. 2008

    i checked the Wal-mart in Cerittos, there was NO such thing as Tamagotchis! heres a little story i made up while i was over there: Honeichigo[me]: *walks up to a employee* do you have Tamagotchis? Employer: WHATS A TAMAGOTCHI!!!??? what is that? Honeichigo: never mind.... part 2...
  10. M

    Connection V5 to begin shipping in Jan. 2008

    I dont care, even if they are ugly, ill still buy one, its the program im aiming for, not the design.
  11. M

    Guy I luv

    thanx for the advice, i would feel the same if someone tod me they liked me
  12. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    they probably say come back next week because they want more customers. even though there is no v5... the last time i asked the employee, she said that they get new shippings of toys every night. so, maybe....
  13. M

    Guy I luv

    thats the part when i messed up, i should of never got someone to tell him anything...i should of said it myself
  14. M

    tama town v5

    what! wow! that means the v5's are out in my area! gotta blast! XD im going to every superstore in my area to look for a v5! tonight i might get a entama.
  15. M

    Guy I luv

    thats exactly what i tried, but then i got toooo nervous and when i tried to talk to him, i froze, we made eye contact though <3 but now, its it okay if i spread the word that i like him>?
  16. M

    Guy I luv

    okay, theres this very cute kid at my high school and he is the funniest! i told this kid to tell him that i think he is cute.., so he did..., the reply was "tell her i dont want to go out with her" BUT I WASN'T EVEN ASKING TO GO OUT! i just wanted to get to know him...... way...
  17. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    i wish my family knew how a v5 looked like, and where the tamagotchis were. if i would of asked them "buy me a v5 if u see one!!", they will probably come back with a v4.5 :D :D but, maybe sometime this week, im going to the Target in lakewood and buy myself a v5, if they have them...
  18. M

    Connection V5 = Familitchi

    WHAT?!!! :furawatchi:
  19. M

    V5 email

    come on! Bandai :unsure: :mellow: