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  1. M

    How old are your parents?

    well..this is the topic about, why i am jealous of my moms age..she is 48 and my dad is about 44..i THINK. BUT! im jealous of my mom...cuz she wen't through the 80's! I LOVE THE 80'S and i wasn't even alive then :D and shes old enough to marry my dream guy..
  2. M


    OH GOSH! it was HORRIBLE! i started when i turned 14.. it always seems to start at the wrong time!
  3. M

    Pictures that mean a lot to you.

    all the pics i my deviantart.. most of them mean A FORTUNE to me! a few days ago there was a huge fire near my home..and the first thing i thought of saving, was my folder, full of my art, and my memory journals.
  4. M

    Sex before Marriage

    its a good idea to wait until UNTIL marriage.. i mean..if you loose your virginity to someone you probably wont stick with forever..well.. you pretty much lost something special..something you are supposed to lose when you are lose when you truly love your partner.. like
  5. M

    My Friends...

    tell them theres no reason to be mad at you for not coming to school because you were sick.. thats just stupid..thats no reason for them to be that way to you.. tell them Volleyball is just a game, and that it shouldn't be the reason why they are mad at you. never let a game break up friendships
  6. M

    parents strike on tamas

    OMG!! my mom gets mad whenever i play with a virtual pet.. she tries to take them away all the time! its sooo annoying..why does she even care if i play with a tamagotchi!?!
  7. M

    How often do you visit Tamatown? takes a long time to log on to..and its boring.. they should make tamatown more exciting!
  8. M

    Funny Moments at School

    1.when the teacher attacked a kid in my class with his wildcat plush.. 2. when i pulled the chair to a kid that was gonna sit down and he fell really hard on his bottom. 3. when this kid and me compete with each other without noticing, and he said "i got a 56%, ooooooh!" and when i said "i...
  9. M

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    well..i love Twilight.. ^^ but i hate those shirts that say TWILIGHT printed in blue letters on the front.. i mean..its ugly..and nerdish looking...and..i hate those shirts that say "TWILIGHT" and it has a pic of the actors.. it looks dumb.. AND TRUE! obsessive fans are making Twilight...
  10. M

    My x best friend

    you know what! thats why I in the first place, i don't want a boyfriend because it can make you forget about your friends.. it has happened to me before.. umm can you explain why she was mad at you? there had to be a reason..or if there isn't..then shes not a real friend.. maybe she is...
  11. M

    The Tamawalkie, V5.5 & V5.5 Plus Lanyard

    ooh! my friend goes to the Philippines maybe i can ask her if she can get me one
  12. M

    Did Bandai hint at the v6?

    i hope its not called "V6" they make too much "versions" they should make it different like "Tamagotchi Color" or something... if its in color
  13. M

    Tamagotchi V5 Refresh Information Topic

    read my log here: i have the Celebrity v5
  14. M

    cutest/hottest mcr member?

    Frank Iero and Mikey way... i think they are the hottest
  15. M

    Do you write?

    i write! i love writing! i write horror, romance, abstract and sci-fi stories.... i try writing comedy...but its kinda hard... i write stories after music, i make characters based on real people...and in my stories, somebody gives a gift to my character [myself in the story] and its a real...
  16. M

    What does your username mean?

    mine stands for....My Chemical Romance freak [crazy fan] back in the times when i was obsessed over Mikey Way... XD and my nickname is Nessie so................ yeaaah.. LOL
  17. M

    Guy I luv

    i got over that freaking *** he knows i like him, so he called me a stalker cuz i added him by accident on myspace.. so yeah....hes a freak and a jerk...hes not even my type...hes more of geekish and a lame-o... *story was longer than that*
  18. M

    Does he like me?

    haha....youre sooo lucky...nothing like that happens to me EVER i bet he does like you :puroperatchi: *you and me have something in common :we both give random nicknames to our crushes: haha*
  19. M

    Cobra Starship

    i didnt know there was a topic, they were made on the same day...i think...that probably expalins it... SUSPICCCIOUS
  20. M

    Cobra Starship

    Cobra is freaggin AWESUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM