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  1. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    Wow, does anybody even READ this log? Please PM me if you do, and thank you!!! :nazotchi: I just want to know how popular this is, you know.... ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-   "BREAKING NEWS!!!!" Miss Hanatchi shouted. She turned to Lisa, who was sitting in the chair behind her. "When you woke...
  2. M

    This is getting ridiculous!

    Yes, but some people are worried that their friends will see them.... <_< And no, I am NOT trying to be rude. :huh: I'm just voicing my -- rather strong -- opinion about this, if you please. :nazotchi:
  3. M

    This is getting ridiculous!

    Okay, because there's a WHOLE bunch of boys and older girls and adults saying, "Oh, am I too old for this?" and "Oh, I'm a boy, and I'm just SO embarrassed to buy new Tamagotchis!!!" and blah, blah, BLAH. :P So, now, I have a solution! :lol: Well, two actually: 1. Just stop buying Tamas...
  4. M

    The 12 Days of Tamagotchi comments and questions

    I didn't enter.... although, that is NOT FAIR!!!!! I live in Canada, and seriously, peoples, it's right beside the U.S., AND THEY CALL IT INTERNATIONAL!!!!! Crazy, seeing as the two countries are right next to it.... what a shipping cost rip-off. :P
  5. M

    *~♪ My Music Star Log ♪~*

    Aww, still no PM comments? Come on, people, I really want to know how this is doing! :D Oh, and today the MSR (Music Star Report) will be in the past-tense. Probably all other days, now, too. I'll let you know! ♪♪♪ The Music Star Report-   The Hanatchi sat up in her chair. "This just in,"...
  6. M

    New tamagotchi?

    You can also get them in Canada. I got mine at Wal-Mart. :P