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  1. X

    Gigi's Tama's Family Tree

    *Sobbing* :D Today I had to reset my tama because it wasn't working. After I reset it I downloaded Jack onto my tama but it still wouldn't work properly!!! I had to reset my tama and get a NEW baby tama!! I named the baby Jelly. I love Jelly and stuff but I miss Jack a lot!!! I don't think...
  2. X

    Memorial of Jack

    Tamagotchi's Name: Jack Tamagotchi's Age: 1 Year Date of Birth: August 10 Date of Passing: August 11 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: Jack was a great tama and Im really sad that I had to reset him, I downloaded him but he still just wouldnt work properly so I had to give him up and truly...
  3. X

    Gigi's Tama's Family Tree

    Hi! This is my first ever log so dont make fun of how bad it is, ok? lolz. All my Tama's stats are in my siggy so thats all you have to know about his description, I dont think I left anything out but if I did PM me! =). Jack is currently asleep, he became a teenager today. I put in a new...