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  1. º

    Ello =]

    Woahzerz O__o"" Thats alot of time.. N' yea, of course im still happy ^^;;
  2. º

    Nintendoggies =]

    Do you like nintendogs ? ( for nintendo DS Lite/Ds ) I love them ! I have a dalmatian ( my favorite animal ) =D
  3. º

    Ello =]

    Yea, a shame =[ but I still play with my 2 v3s and 1 v4 Ps- I am suprised about how quick you replyed O__O""
  4. º

    Ello =]

    Hey guys, I decided to join. I am usually on but it was closed >_______> " anyways, I am no that into tama. more nintendog. bot Ide be happy to join the discusion of tamagotchi =] Have a nice day ~ - Asia ..