Thoughts on next re-releases?


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Jan 6, 2025
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With the success of the 2024 connections, how much do you think Bandai will milk new shells before considering another model?
In a perfect world, I'd love a new device that has features like school & jobs.

If I had to guess, I wouldn't expect anything new before 2026, but a man can dream.
yeah i think itll be a while considering how recently the connections and angels were, anything new now would cut into sales of those
even if/when they do another rerelease it wont stop them doing new shells tho considering there were only recently more gen1/2 shells added
a connection 4/4.5 or v5 rerelease would be good, as would any of the other vintage ones like morino/umino/devil considering theyve already got the tech sorted out for the motion sense-y bit on updated hardware
yeah i think itll be a while considering how recently the connections and angels were, anything new now would cut into sales of those
even if/when they do another rerelease it wont stop them doing new shells tho considering there were only recently more gen1/2 shells added
a connection 4/4.5 or v5 rerelease would be good, as would any of the other vintage ones like morino/umino/devil considering theyve already got the tech sorted out for the motion sense-y bit on updated hardware
ya, same!
Yeah I think Bandai is definitely gonna be milking the connection and angel re-release shells for a while xD man they're still pumping out P1 and P2 shells!
I'll probably be supporting them too unfortunately... I wasn't crazy about the first wave of Angel shells, so, I'll probably be buying one or two more if they come out with some much nicer ones... but yeah I think 2026 probably sounds about right....

But dude if they released Devilgotchis or a brand NEW connection that would be a dream come true :lol:

One thing that drives me nuts is that the re-releases STILL don't have a backlight. I feel they could at LEAST at some new features or improvements like a backlight! Or new game features!

But yeah I would love if they made a NEW connection, with jobs and new games and stuff. Digimon got some nice new LCD vpets like the Digimon X, and new digimon, so it would be really cool if Tamagotchi got something new....!
With the success of the 2024 connections, how much do you think Bandai will milk new shells before considering another model?
In a perfect world, I'd love a new device that has features like school & jobs.

If I had to guess, I wouldn't expect anything new before 2026, but a man can dream.
I think they’re waitin to release something huge in the near future. Like, leaps and bounds huge!
You make a correct assumption about milking time with shell releases. They know people love the product. And it’s not always one wheel suits everyone. They also consider the collectors. If they take their time I hope they do a re release of a diff kind eg music star.
honestly in Christmas 2025 the Santa tamagotchi would be perfect
I do agree, seeing a Santaclautch would be really cool but i doubt Bandi would re-release a device that wasnt released outside of japan, especialy the older ones. even if bandi wants to do more "classic" releases like the angel and p1/p2 they wold probaly stick to the theme and do a Devil or Ocean release (Devil will probaly be renamed monster)

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