HELP WANTED: tamagotchi uni or pix


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def pix! pix is alway fun and i never get bored of it!
ive hadmine almost a year and always had it running!
Bored Cookie Monster GIF
i have both and enjoy them both but the pix is better in my opinion, the only reason i go back to the uni more frequently is because of feeling like im missing out on items when theres new events every month and stuff from holidays, so i feel kind of obligated to turn it back on just for that, but otherwise i enjoy the mini games a lot more on pix and there's more of them, and overall i like the gameplay more it reminds me of older tamas, but with the bonus of newer mechanics too, i know most people's complaint about the pix is the buttons (or lack of) and battery life, but personally the touch buttons on pix doesnt bug me at all and the battery life is fine as long as you aren't using the camera all the time and use rechargeable batteries, i got mine back when they came out but i see they're still in production so they're still sold on amazon and other sites, and you can also get them cheaper on second hand sites
i dont mind the buttons, i think the batterie life isent great but i have rechargable, and that pretty much takes care of the problem!!!
i got mine for $60 at walmart, they didnt have it on the shelfs tho, i had to order it from their site!!!

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