The Database of Fake and Generic Virtual Pets


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I have a few contributions. Here’s some with the Jia Yuan programming:




The fake Tamagotchi tag on Instagram is a goldmine. I saw a pic on there with these fake Connections being sold in a Gachapon machine.

Here’s a mutant Takotchi thing with the 49-in-1 programming:



I have a fake with similar packaging that says it’s by Lanjingling with the same programming, so that’s probably who make it. Say, does anyone think it would be best to make a general virtual pets Wiki? That would make it easier to organize and allow others to edit (which has its ups and downs, but you know).
Even if it is a fake, I do really like what they were going for with the shape, It is a bit big though. But i do see what they were going for
I think this qualifies?


Name: 3-in-1 Dinosaur + Dog + Cat
Type: Generic?
Notes: Being sold on eBay with no obvious branding other than mentioning "My Cute Pet" in the blurb on the back. The creature is Tamagotchi-like, NOT a cat, dog, or dino. The photo shows the creature in its third stage on the screen. Many of this device's features are just like the P1 Tamagotchi, such as the game and tune it plays. The mute function mutes the button-press sounds and the calls for attention but not the music and reaction-screen sounds.
Name: (didn’t come with brand name) purple egg shaped virtual pet
Type: I think fake but might be generic
I got it from Ardene without a brand name or anything about it. It has some selection icons that are pretty much an exact replica of the connection icons. It has 4 buttons which are labeled: reset, select, confirm, and cancel. I would do I photo but I don’t have it with me. However, the gameplay itself doesn’t seem to be like the connection which is why I’m not sure if it’s generic or fake.
Name: Little Puppy
Type: Generic
Notes: Can be worn as a bracelet


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Name: Mickey for Kids Virtual Mickey
Type: Generic
Notes: Can be worn as a bracelet


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Name: See pictures because several of the same kind - magazine supplement
Type: Generic
Notes: there was everything in different magazines as an addition. So I count that as one.


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Name: Tamagotchi Connection
Type: Fake !!!
Notes: It is a fake, recognizable by the shape of the keys. Unfortunately, it also has no connection to the same species, even if the red spot on the top shows it.P_20240716_205303.jpg
Name: Infrared tama
Type: Fake !!!
Notes: It tries to copy this Tamagotchi : Town Giza Street
Special feature, this copy can also be used with a pen. So it has touch pad.
unfortunately the rear flap is missing from my picture, but I still wanted to show how the inside is
Name: Cucciolo Virtuale
Type: Generic
Notes: You can connect them together. You don't choose the pet yourself.

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I have two of them, differ in the info, maybe there are different or different manufacturers !?
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this is from a mercari listing... it looks kind of awesome
This is actually the Penguin no Mondai Henshin Counter based on the animanga series Penguin no Mondai. I have one but I haven't run it since it seems more complicated since it is a pedometer virtual pet which requires taking steps to trigger events.
Name: Nekotcha
Type: Generic View attachment 11256
I absolutely hated running this Vpet (I have one too) since it dies so easily and all you do is select options and just see it make a happy or sad sprite. It's one of the worst virtual pets one can ever get despite having such a cute shell design.
I'm trying to remember the one I had in the 90s. It was a monster, and to keep it alive, you fed it people. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an official tamagotchi. Anybody remember this one?
Sounds like the Giga Pet Rankor (skip to 1:17 in the video) where you can feed the Rankor guards and dancing girls. It's part of the virtual pet family of Giga Pets so it's not a fake or generic virtual pet.

I got this info partially from Tamenagerie which has a lot of brief documentation on a multitude of vintage virtual pets/odd pets.