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Mar 22, 2017
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I’m recreating this topic since the older topic was a whole year old. Post about your new Vpet hauls below!

On the 22cd, I had the rare opportunity to physically pick up all three of these:

This is the 2-pack rereleased connections and the Spy x Family Nano! Fear of extortion made me leave my mortal dwelling and travel with the common-folk, clustered yet favoured, to the marketplace of amusements, trifles, and unborn virtual beings.
Or -- in less awesome words -- fear of scalpers convinced me to uncharacteristically drag myself out of the house and take a bus ride to buy these Vpets at a local EBgames/GameStop. I also put up with taking a bus during rush hour and internally whined too much about it being crowded when I had a seat the whole time. This was the only option because my father naps so long I can practically only be driven to stores when they’re about to close.

The Spy x Family Nano or “Anyatchi” was a complete impulse purchase I 100% do not regret. I’m surprised very little has been said about the Anyatchi at all on TamaTalk (no announcement thread and very few references in other posts). The Anyatchi is so adorable and the one Nano I can understand all the references to (the Spy x Family anime is amazing).
Finally, after two weeks I received my rereleases. I’m not sure if this is considered “new haul” since they have to be shipped via a forward mail service overseas but I’m glad they came.

Something that made me upset a little bit was the packaging went through some rough time. It seemed someone had thrown them so hard and it damaged the sides. I guess as long as the devices are fine that all it matters! :lol:


I also put up with taking a bus during rush hour and internally whined too much about it being crowded when I had a seat the whole time.
Reading this makes feel like I’m a little suffocated lol! I’m sure it was worth it though :biggrin:
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A very nice haul indeed! Those connections look so much better in person than in the stock images.
It sure if they are considered “ new haul” since they have to be shipped via a forward mail service overseas [...] :biggrin:
Practically anything counts as "new" in this thread even if it's like months old. That was standard in the previous thread so as long as you haven't showed it off, you can post.
Reading this makes feel like I’m a little suffocated lol! I’m sure it was worth it though :biggrin:
It totally was :marumimitchi: If my mother knew, she certainly would have made fun of me for impatiently taking the bus rather than waiting for a different day that Dad could drive me.

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