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Jul 1, 2024
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Hey, all. I'm new. Or am I? Nope! I had an account here... In 2011, as a 10 year old kid. The username was Hidan141, and being able to see my old posts is part cute, part embarrassing. Unfortunately, I can't log into that account, so I made this new one.

I recently got interested in vpets again, seemingly out of nowhere. I've had a rough year so far, with medical and mental issues yadah yadah, and having a little guy to take care of helps me feel better. So far, I have a rerelease P1, a 20th Digimon, and I ordered a rerelease Giga Pets frog just last night. I'm also planning on getting a bunny rom (yes, intentionally) as a curiosity. Glad to be here again after so long!
Welcome back! I can merge your old account with the new one if you want. Just let me know.