In memory of my first full grown Tama…


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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2022
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I remember my first full grown Tama…Mametchi, before I even knew how hard he was to get. Sadly, he left us long before his time…

There I was, at the start of the school year…I was in 4th or 5th grade in the 90s (can’t recall which), and I took my Tama everywhere. I was very prideful of it, and took diligent care.

It was lunch…and he was catching a ride on the little groove on my tray as per usual. Times were simple…but maybe that is exactly why I let my guard down. I was eating my food, and kind of drifted into a daydream (as I often did). When I finished, I decided to check on Mametchi.

But what I saw was not my grown Mametchi…but instead an egg. Confused I looked up, and saw the other two kids my age laughing with a fork that had three of the four prongs bent down. It was then I knew what had happened…he was murdered. He was robbed of his end screen and what likely would have been many Tama years to come, all because a two young kids thought virtual pets were dumb and wanted to see me sad.

I was at a loss. Telling a teacher wasn’t an option, imagine the ridicule I would have gotten. Lashing out wouldn’t have been worth it either…so I just stayed sitting silent, and raised the egg I pretended Mametchi had left behind.

You are gone but not forgotten my friend, and generations shall follow in your honor.

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